
google group of soldiers

The cavalry ,I will let all the composite armored infantry followed behind you ,the devil if want to fight ,we can fight him .The follow-up units will be fully boost pressure,google, air progress smoothly ,air superiority is sooner or later we ,the devil will fail .
, relationresultThis is I knew it ,I started the march . , relationresultThe stars bless you ,Yongsheng dragon ! , relationresultThe first Legionforward and not on the ground ,because of the powerful elite with the most advanced Armor spell chaos fighters ;flight is the normal locomotion .
relationresultAsfrom the hill off of the swarm of locusts ,more than one hundred thousand fighters in the air to complete a simple forward position ,to the buildings and in the air ,while advancing BOT ,one side of the helmet of the acoustic Rune orders: every responsible person attention ,we enter the buildings ,not according to the original plan to punish Sin City raid ,but as far as possible .
We will go to support the cavalry and the heavy arms ,each responsible for the area in accordance with the provisions of the original cross the region unchanged ,Facebook,melee is our first army at, I know you really want to go to the penalty of sin City ,but the building group of enemies must be clear ,have ;at follow-up forces did not catch up before we can proceed .
Do you understand? , relationresultSee ,army chief . , relationresultSkyfighters at all the buildings quickly move past ,like a group found food vultures to avoid attack magic at the same time toward heaven ;a demon army is fighting the union cavalry regiment rushed , relationresultThe three volume of the one hundred and sixty-seven chapter , relationresultWhat just happenedto Tucker would be a disaster ,he as a mixed heavy cavalry chief ,received through buildings start to punish Sin City forward command, there will be a bad omen ,firstly, this command is not through the League Headquarters issued a formal procedure ,but Prince Berg direct command .
It stands to reason that Tucker as a Union army officer should not follow directly under one command ,but the prince was also the headquarters of the League of the commander, but also to the Union on behalf of orders .
So Tucker was carried out ,the results are now this way ;his troops completely collapsed buildings are kept coming long-range strike firmly trapped in buildings .relationresultAhell dog suddenly from a collapsed building in came Tucker ,a final kiss from wolf who put down ,although the armor was not the monster fangs Pierce ,but from the wolf fell off the guards would soon be more monsters or half demon surrounded by ,on the body armor is not suitable for tough fight him, basically have been doomed fate, though his wolf rushed in to save him ,but there is not much effect .
relationresultTucker isnot behind the deployment of ,and he now had no place to retreat ,the hearts of the verse ,sit down with the wolf ,one toward the front limbs Meng jumped too ,goal is just to stand up to the pro Methodist body near .
relationresultDrop from the cloudswolf four claws on the armor on complicated formula ,is almost at the moment of falling took 1.5 devils head ,at the same time that Tucker has been widened by many left arm in arm a law array scintillation ,turbulent flame from above Di out ,will a few to head over the demon the army burned to coke .
Then the other hand instrument of a beautiful vertical split ,half demon who will be close behind the head in half .relationresultSirrescue let armored with depression slowly after a strong warrior ,his sword from a claw arm ,left a light stream flow ,a big thunder ball from above straight out ,burst apart electrical serpents will several monsters flew out ,borrow a rare respite ,the missile and pro who clean jump on his wolf ,return to mount Knight his mantra on wolf ,a low ,body method matrix flashing at the same time ;swooped forward down an enemy to capture ,then the body more than crashing into nearby hell dog ,monster stand toward the rear impact .
relationresultTuckerborrows the wolf short run bring inertia ,a knife cut off the enemy ,then the voice commands: gather together ,regardless of any system, to your nearest Kao approach ,Kao approach .
As far as possible, do not leave early ,if left to use mind control to help you combat ,this is our biggest according to kao .As far as possible, consisting of war ....The first regiment behind us ,the command will command them to support us .
, relationresultTuckercommand is absolutely correct ,but the implementation of this command is difficult ;it is basically melee phase ,cnn,want a war on each Kao over easy .Besides half magic and monsters are not fools ,how could let the enemy through tactical maneuvers ,so it was more and more good, only thunder rhino and to the death knight such individual strong warrior can barely stay for a while, the rest of the ordinary rider basically are dead .
Even if the individual alive is lucky and fellow Kao together .relationresultTucker has beensuccessful in a group of soldiers ,which in addition to their part well, the most important should be to sit down that only gold and silver eye ,as all the most bloodthirsty wolf is also the good fighting breeds, it put on special magic armor show power system can be used to describe the terrorist ,plus Tucker a generation is a wolf cavalry ,so his strength is not bad, so that students in this place to gather up a wavelet people resist stop appeared the demon army soldiers .
relationresultButeven so ,Tucker does not feel any easy ,half demon and monster everfount appearance ,Tucker is really strange ;devil how in this area to put so much strength ,but these enemies and not all light half demon or hell dogs ,there are many had never seen heavy arms ,even the burrowing giant .
relationresultIf theseforces Tucker can accept it ,that when he saw the pit lord figure appears, is to feel despair ,he first thought is to run away, but the confusion of battle and where can escape it ,and let him leave people escape their own life ,even if it is to survive ,other do not say ;father never spared himself ,simply fight .
relationresultSuch a decisionto Tucker is very helpless gesture ,to know that he and BOT different ;he had to fight for good aspects ,surprise and rapid troop command .So tough battle ,not his forte .
relationresultBut althoughnot good ,Tucker is an excellent cavalry ,and rise above the common herd cavalry commander ,his sword suddenly raised toward the distance is from a collapsed building down the Pit Lord gave space with openings ,shouted: all long-range strike set .
, relationresultCommandersuddenly command was not delayed ,as long as it is not the enemy cavalry were raised front arm a toward the enemy release their armor unique elements ranging from assault regiment ,then these attacks fully implemented ,Tucker command again : follow my mobile .
, relationresultThePit Lord was the attack hit the fly landed on the ground ,he saw that the cavalry rushed toward themselves ,this is he seek but fail to get things ,huge claws without hesitation wields to head over the cavalry .
In to the successful hit , Knight seat that a pupil white a pupil of bright yellow ,all with a larger than normal horses on many of the giant wolf ,head Armor spell with bright ,and with muffled roar ,giant wolf throughout the body where they stand, the students at erect a pit lords . Related articles:

