
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj The thief bile TXT complete works _46

Some supernatural a lot, he didn spend so much time on boring for a supply of sth. on ,now he have pricing power .relationresultThe Dark Wizardstood up ,went back to his team .relationresultDidn know you ? , relationresultcan buy cheap ? , relationresultHeara few companions questioning ,black witch was burning .
relationresultFifteen coins is not expensive ,add 10 point treatment volume ,the market on where to find such kind of best ? The Dark Wizard . .relationresultA few companionsfell silent ,add 10 point treatment quantity ,property is good, the fifteen gold price ,still can accept ,and dark wizards treatment volume is more important ,without a doubt ,the market also did not find such a good stuff .
relationresultDark wizardsto see a few companions fell silent ,I have some power to free from restraint ,said : what, you buy it or not ,anyway, enjoy the treatment of magic but you . , relationresultFifteen coins but we all day income .
, relationresultForget it ,bought . , relationresultDon this guy from which to engage in so many need ,guys, you pay it . , relationresultAftera few days so ,game player hand off some gold coins than previously ,fifteen gold ,for a team ,and not doubt .
relationresultFifteen gold coinssold the spirit headdress ,twelve gold sold the fire green clothes, zero zero other pieces of equipment are also sold a gold ,Xiao Yu wrapped in a total of forty-one gold coins .
relationresultYou can go to learn skills . Xiao Yuxiang ,folded towards the rogue trainer Odd booth ,where to go, should sell sell ,as for the lynx cub ,in the town of Tabak is sure to find buyers ,get the main dark night city auction sale of throw .
relationresultEnough gold coins ? The teacher asked Xiao Yu ord ,upgrade the skills of speed ,the rogue trainer ord surprised a lot, you know, so far ,only a few game player to upgrade the level two skills ,such as Xiao Yu so soon upgrade level three skills ,is really rare ,at least in Tabak Town ,only this one .
relationresultYes . Xiao Yuying tract ,thirty-one gold coins to rogue trainer ord ,look at the package ,and only ten gold coins .relationresultXiao Yu touchedthe nose ,distress fiscal ah ,when can be solved .
relationresultSystem:your backhand backstab skill level three .relationresultSystem:your backstab skill level three .relationresult...... , relationresultAsystem prompt came, Xiao Yu is full of joy ,Xiao Yu looked at three main combat skills base damage ,all from fifty points to eighty points .
relationresultGood high skill base damage . Xiao Yu amazed me, greatly enhance the skills base damage ,should not fear eleven level two monster, the only regret is that their blood is too thin ,carry not blame ,also faces two eleven level two monster ,is likely to die .
relationresultThree maincombat skills from the level of skills to the two level of skill requires 50 points in skills ,level two skills to the three level of skill requires 300 points in skills ,level three skills to the four level of skill requires 1800 points in skills ,do not know what time to upgrade four level of skill ,relative to the three major combat ,stealth skills is slightly simpler .
relationresultThe body of the fifty-first chapter objectives: Kobold camp , relationresultUpgrading four skill needs the number gold coin ? Xiao Yu looked to ord asked rogue trainer .relationresultYoung man ,you need a long time to upgrade four level of skill ,not too ambitious .
The thief mentor Odd said with a smile .relationresultI know ,I just want to ask ,so that be prepared . Xiao Yu explained ,to put the coins to be ready ,or upgrade skills when, one thirty will just enough money trouble .
relationresultthe backhand stab in the back ,dorsal spines and boning is the price of fifty gold coins ,four levels of stealth skills are five gold coins . The teacher said Odd .relationresultHearrogue trainer Odd, Xiao Yu gasped ,expensive ,three main skills of each need fifty gold coins ,so ,upgrade the skills will cost one hundred and fifty-five gold coins ,where to get so much money ?relationresultThere isenough time to prepare ,there will be a way ,Xiao Yuxiang tract .
relationresultXiao Yuleft rogue Trainer - Tabak Town ,in the dark street ,looking at his own equipment, Xiao Yushen a total of three dagger ,how to arrange the main problem became the dagger Xiao Yu first of all need to consider the issue of .
relationresultThedagger of escape is a short dagger ,base attack although high ,but the attack scope is too small ,not suitable for master hand dagger ,so the main hand dagger still use the snake teeth ,deputy worn dagger of escape ,with grass snake letter agents ,as another whiteboard dagger ,also with the snake letter grass agents ,at any time can replace the assistant dagger .
relationresultThe letter out of grass snake poison . Xiao Yu looked absolutely empty bottles ,sighed ,next to get some agents standby .relationresultThe necromancerthat thieves need to be equipped with three Dagger ,the dagger with toxic agents are disposable ,its rarity has meant that Xiao imperial impossible in killing time on every monster on the agents ,so the main hand dagger can not wipe the poison ,for the Lord hand dagger at any time to keep attacking state .
Assistant dagger should not be offensive, only need to do some auxiliary attacks can, when necessary to prevent high blood thick but to attack weak monsters deadly poison ,to attack ,attack speed, faster moving monsters deceleration poison ,can greatly assist the battle .
relationresultIfthree equipped with a dagger ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj,daggers in battle switching has become a big problem ,which is the thief and brigand battle skills ,responsiveness to the great test .relationresult.
Xiao Yu left joint flexible earthquake .Simulation of a dagger action switch .In the wrist ,finger flexibility .Xiao Yu has a rare talent .relationresultNow buy a thief to special belt seems a little too young .
And. Xiao Yu is still reluctant to spend ten coins to buy a rogue special belt .relationresultXiao Yuwalked out of Tabak town .To the five grade desert man snake region .Carefully set five desert man snake .
Although upgrade the speed is very slow .Xiao Yu has been very satisfied .The evening was too dangerous .Have a bit inadvertent .Are likely to encounter unmatched monsters .Although there are night jade necklace .
Xiao Yu was afraid to go too far .relationresultIn the rest of the nighttime .Xiao Yu was terribly fatigued .The game will also set up the concept of degree of fatigue .If too tired .Physical function decline .
Brush the strange efficiency will be greatly reduced .They need to rest or referrals to restore the hotel .relationresultXiao Yu isoffline to rest for one afternoon .relationresultAfter dinnerto game time .
Game day daybreak .relationresultThe early morningsunlight to Tabak Town ,the town was filled with thick black mist, in the small town of flowing above .relationresultA deep breath,Xiao Yu felt inspired many .
relationresultRight handdagger rotating a beautiful arc, once again fell into the hands of Xiao Yu ,a strong self-confidence welling up , I believe I can succeed ! Xiao Yuzhao the mercenary unions direction .
relationresultMercenaryUnion area in front ,with five game player is standing there chatting ,it is dark prison they .relationresultYou come . The dark prison saw Xiao Yu ,pleased to meet up .
relationresultXiao Yunodded silently .relationresultYou come we can start . As in the past to Xiao Royal aloof ,dark prison not take it seriously ,took out a bottle of blue potions ,handed

