
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM iation harbor platfo

And the fairy lings all can not help exultation and know that he is willing to help.

Lin Qi Yu says:"I intend to contact with home first for a while, have to return to a free star area first, then do the next move plan."

The fairy Ling doesn't already is happy, put out strength to choke Lin Qi Yu's arm, with as for the sea is virtuous to all feel strange, how does Lin Qi Yu ever and anon take out a corner of mouth?

He shakes head a way:"Is alas, this raining me don't dare to go home as well ……to, light rain, that ……plentiful son ……where does she fix to go?"

Lin Qi Yu and fairy Ling cannot help but wanting to smile towards seeing one eye, 2 people, originally the sea is virtuous to also have a target.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Sea virtuous eldest brother, ;,000 plentiful arrive where I don't know, but you ……you can ask!"See sea virtuous to peep out disappointed facial expression, Lin Qi Yu says again:"You follow us, everyone temporarily also together, this ……be holding firmly time."

The sea is virtuous to stare at Lin Qi Yu's eyes to see a long time, said:"Probably you don't know ……it is can hardly for second house for having no astral Huo to tie up, you at last gave offense to them now and also gave offense to my grandpa, alas, good from is it."He can remind Lin Qi Yu like this.

Looking at fairy Ling, the the kid sister that doted on since the childhood, the sea is virtuous to say:"Kid sister, hereafter eldest brother probably the care don't arrive you, own road chooses by himself/herself, eldest brother impossibly always at you nearby ……I feel the person of light rain is quite good, probably he to look after you more suitable."

Fairy Ling about to cry, walk to the virtuous sea to embrace him before the body, say:"Eldest brother thanks you."

The sea is virtuous to sigh tone, touched her show hair, said:"You were no longer that very naughty bond maid, alas, grow up."He carries on the back after clapping the fairy Ling of and turns round to leave room.

The fairy Ling finally cannots help but tears and rushes toward Lin Qi Yu's bosom, the small voice cried and made Lin Qi Yu fluster, don't know how to comfort her.He gets a brainwave:"Yi ……you see, you see, what is that ?"He points at a porthole outside, so makes to in astonishment say.

The fairy Ling raises head, the wet eye hazily asks a way:"What?"

Lin Qi Yu is like to coax a kid:"That is the airship!Is much beautiful ……you see ……what is that ?"Do not wait a fairy Ling answer, he immediately after says again:"That is the stars."This recruits is the adult stirs a kid to transfer attention of extremely live, be used by him last.

The fairy Ling is stired by him"burst Chi" is a , in distress situationly say:"The somebody else is very not easy touched cry once, you come right away to cause disturbance!"

Lin Qi Yu listens to dumbstruckly, the viewpoint of this young girl he really doesn't understand.

Explore airship to finally arrive a free star area, Lin Qi Yu puts on virtual helmet in momentary, he early urgently can not treat.After getting into virtual space, Lin Qi Yu returns to first to took a look in his/her own personal space, then use the airtight spoon personal space that opens grandmother.

He in astonishment discovers that the space inside only has a table and up put a letter.The felling of the in the mind flash across of Lin Qi Yu one silk discomfort.

He stretches hand lightly the letter on the touch table, the together green light twinkles, and a virtual portrait is gradually clear.The wry smile way of Lin Qi Yu:"Grandmother, can't, unexpectedly gives me the message."

The virtual portrait that sees grandmother back and forth takes a stroll, the facial expression seems to be very distressed.She says:"Light rain, grandmother doesn't know that you can see this message, alas, hope that you can see, your grandpa receives a federal draft to make ……

"……To, rain son, your father sends a person to come over, our safeties have no problem, the document that you delivered back last time is very important, I have already remitted a database inside, don't know your personal status card still just not at, we surplus of a little bit free all deposits in inside, point very heavy, if the personal status card loses, you are all anyway going to repair to do.

"The free alliance of your father and free star area reaches tacit understanding, so you get here meeting someone take care of of ……

"……This federal splits up, your grandpa is very sad, he refused the draft makes, would not like to take part in civil war ……

"…… Light rain, your father arranged a place for us, heard is very hidden, our whole family wanted to live as recluse a period of time in the past, I some experiments had to complete ……"

Lin Qi Yu stood to repeatedly order to see several messages.It's a little bit free to leave one for him, besides which, , grandmother returns to leave an airtight spoon for him, that is a hidden data space, some grandmothers lately study of achievement.

The end part of message, grandpa, elder brother and each uncleses all came out to say a words and saw he is again happy and is sad, make him feeling delighted is home owners all peace.

Lin Qi Yu didn't see that hidden database, withdrew a virtual net, a person lay on the bed to daze.Oneself is very not easy to run back, but the whole families all left.

Can affirm them to leave a free star area, because the free star area is a cake of to fly ground, still very far apart from the star area that the federal rules over, they can not connect the up free net after leaving, can give him the message.

Lin Qi Yu's mood has a little depressed, he originally wants to take the fairy Ling sees grandpa's grandmother, this bottom planned to all disrupt.He cans not feel a little bit better until the fairy Ling walks into room.

Fee Gu sun and;,000 plentiful also intend in the free star to linger for several days, Lin Yin stays to have the specially assigned the news for waiting for Lin Qi Yu in the free star.

The sea is virtuous recently usually and;,000 plentiful together, the fee Gu sun seems and has no objection to, even still intentionally leave, let a certain space to 2 people.

In addition to going to bed, fairy Ling almost and Lin Qi Yu together, 2 people are more and more intimate, this makes Lin Qi Yu's depressed mood get to alleviate very greatly.

Lin Qi Yu sometimes thinks of family or a meeting to have a little depressed, however his in the mind also has one silk fluky felling, if really went home, he can come out again probably is a very heavy problem.He now become accustomed to freedom at ease run about aimlessly everywhere, if be closed in the home by grandmother to forbid to go out, afraid of the meeting Be getting more suffered.

The this period of time, Lin Qi Yu and fairy Ling together play a virtual game, two what people played is the Shu that is basic to fight shot.The fairy Ling after once playing once immediately indulges in among them, Be free and then worry Lin Qi Yu to have fun to fight a shot game.

In the virtual game, fight shot completely is to depend imagination, where is the fairy Ling Lin Qi Yu's opponent?She is clumsy in the game, can not use life energy again, how couldn't win Lin Qi Yu at beating as well.Just play with her at Lin Qi Yu so much, doesn't matter victory and defeat gain or loss, basically just resist, few aggressions.

The fairy Ling defies spirit very much, the attacks are all been agile to once hide by Lin Qi Yu each time.

Pour isn't fighting of Lin Qi Yu the shot Shu have how and badly, but because he since the childhood usually play a game like this, there are some special techniques.In the reality these technique is hard to do, can deal with a fairy Ling game novice like this in the game, seem to be profound unfathomable.

Lin Qi Yu likes to stir joy with fairy Ling, 2 people every day together, feelings is more and more deep, also communicate mutually various information.

Xian Ling tells Lin Qi Yu that a lot of relevant clean Mi of Fu skies smell interesting news and have some an airtight method concerning development life energy, Lin Qi Yu then teaches some modern social common senses to her.

The sea is virtuous to see in the eye in a side, in the mind of worried unavoidably more prosperous.

Explore airship to finally arrive the aviation harbor of free star, Lin Qi Yu and fairy Ling looking at porthole outside gradually clear aviation harbor, Lin Qi Yu says:"This is the second time I arrived a free star, did the kid sister have to lead before?"

The fairy Ling shakes head a way:"I where have never been to as well, if not that going this time second have no star, do I still have no opportunity to escape."She cannot help but praising highly a way:"Hua, very beautiful aviation harbor, how so big?The light rain elder brother see quickly, what airship is that ?"

Lin Qi Yu presses near porthole, the direction pointing toward the fairy Ling took aim one eye,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, surprised way:"Yi, which come of so much battleship ……"

Leave aviation harbor the distance there is a larger aviation harbor not, closely of the battleship stop to lean on aviation harbor platform side.

Lin Qi Yu cautiously recognizes:"Tiger class ……wolf class destroyer, strange, this is the federal troops' warship, Yi, heavy type the escort machine A warship!Ah, the warrior class interstellar fights a row warship!How may?This is ……where does this come?"

The fairy Ling completely doesn't understand, she asks a way:"Is the interstellar war row warship fierce?"

The exclamation way of Lin Qi Yu:"The whole federal also has no how much battleship like this, a star area war area, if have a few such of war row warship, ha ha, that be war area."

Fairy Ling to war milli- disinterest, she just feels unusual.Outwardly see go from the porthole, war row warship the abnormality is huge, those destroyer and escort warship at it seem to be very infinitesimal nearby

