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"Picking a big king of ash" isn't a person.He enjoys for the sake of himself, unexpectedly deprives your youth and lets you loses the right of free love.You are a youth young girl, but want strong laugh heartily, accompany him an old headman, although your elder brother's sisters were all stained with your light, can afterwards also because of you but Wu.Old man son abnormal condition, make you accompany him in the pure pond naked bath in R.O.C every day, he still likes to see what 《secondary rainbow clothes dance 》 in fact is very expose of that kind of is bewitchingly beautiful of dance.No wonder that Wu country.Addict to alcohol and women to enjoy every day.On the Wu country road, he is unexpectedly cruel to kill you, just for yourself that already broken up river's mountain, no wonder that the Yuan brilliant scholars all say him"river the mountain feeling weigh beauty light."What"the wish in sky does a pair of lovebirds, wish in the ground for connect a reason" he says these and puts fart it's similar, disappear right away.Can he is end what didn't get, drive his son keep under house arrest, he at that time just think of your well, but have already been getting more late.I know that you can't forgive him, not that has"long living a palace on July 7, midnight unmanned corpse language."I know that is you most his accusation.He has qualms of conscience excesssive, soon died, deserve of.
The elder sister of the jade bracelet, I feel that you are the most beautiful and the greatest female in Chinese history.
Your beauty is six temple well-dressed ladieses to disgrace.Shih Tzu sable Chan Wang Zhao Jun, they not the ability compare with you of, you make people change the United States of standpoint.This is you at esthetics of major contribution, all of them is with thin is the United States but you are it happened that with fat is glory.
You in the that time and men and women inequality aggro, you make world parents, not rebirth difficult rebirth female.Let them know and give birth to a male and not to like, give birth to a female not moved to tears.When your husband promotes old two thoughtses of bores, but you arouse people's customs treacherous acts, the foot is actually great, certainly lovely.
The elder sister of the jade bracelet considers me for a while.Become fashionable today in the third party, you can also be a new female letter, besides 1,000 year agos you went against people's customs.And your husband compare with, I calculate third party, much more moral than his.He robs his own son's wife, and then is the world first heartless man.Is he still a person?You don't want to believe him to seek you everywhere, what fairy mountain, illusory, is all false.Do let person see of, otherwise he at the beginning can't kill you.
The second, my house is in the beautiful Pearl River river front, can make you take a shower every day, it is like Ning fat to let you forever skin.The youth is beautiful forever.
The third, I know that you liked to eat litchi most , my house specially grew a lot, at also need not make people send and promised to have litchi every day, made me able to see every day your return to Mou a smile.The elder sister of the jade bracelet is again litchi mature, quickly consider.
Finally wish the high spirits that I can acquire jade bracelet elder sister!
New mankind
2,000 year X month X day
Wei small treasure, male, Yang state person of Jiangsu, 365 years old.The Manchu Dynasty of the original holder one etc. deer Ding to is male.The Wei small treasure threw a body revolution work since the childhood and once experienced the test of the revolution conflict Xing breeze blood rain and once signed La to kill Ao to do obeisance, annihilate evil taught organization absolute being of Long Jiao, gave up a body protection Kangxi emperor etc. merit.But after resides a senior high vocational school, the Wei small treasure takes the credit proundhearted, under the corrosion of propertied class rotting thought, neglected personal thought accomplishment, relax to from have already strictly requested, lose the most basic revolution position, make use of a job for many times it commit crime then, break national laws law and discipline.Be affirmed by my hospital, Wei conduct and actions of the small treasure has already violated national 《penal code 》 and has to endanger national security offense and infringe upon a citizen Human body right offense, graft hush money, **offense, plural marriage.Stipulate, Be sentenced as follows to the Wei small treasure according to relevant 《penal code 》 now:
Kangxi in 14 years, the Wei makes to join with subversion dynasty court for the counterrevolution of purpose organize world meeting, and do obeisance counterrevolution headman Chen Jin Nan is teacher, serving as its cent will green wood open lord.BE not only is various counterrevolution movable plan plan of the organization, but also reveal secret in the dynasty court to the organization for many times, make it succeed in escaping dynasty Jiao in the rounding of court.In order to satisfy the personal desires that the individual pursues attractive woman, the Wei made to even once wait on to receive another one counterrevolutionary one-armed absolute being the Ni is or so, played with feet to step two tricks of ships.During the period of leaving for Russian official business, drive Russian country Su thin second princess attractive woman be fond of, participate in the palace coup that it launches without authorization, breached the basic foreign policy of hands-off other country domestic affairs, made the our country relationship with Russian country be subjected to severity damage.According to 《penal code 》 Article 102, 103, Wei's rebeling against authority to say behavior has already constituted to endanger national security offense, details severity, penalize death penalty, deprive political right for life.But read its cop-out attitude good, and have a great achievement behavior for many times, slowly expect to carry out for two years.
The Wei goes against the law to make idea weak thin, override personal power at the national law on, misuse lynch for many times to suddenly and violently make suddenly and violently.According to incompletely statistics, the Wei makes to successively and totally kill little 158 people, such as laurel son and grandfather Hai...etc. and includes 7 Tibet lamas more among them and broke the race, religious all fighting of nation and biggest hurt national minority and the religious personage's feelings.To harm, to cripple innocent crowd's innumerable.According to 《penal code 》 Article 145, Wei's rebeling against authority to say behavior has already constituted to infringe upon a citizen Human body right offense, details very severity, penalize death penalty, deprive political right for life.
The Wei makes to pursue an individual to enjoy, living corrupt, love to gamble into sex, cause madness corruption take bribe, gather to collect wealth to produce.During the period of checking to copy Ao to do obeisance a mansion, pocket silver 450,002, a double-edged sword 1, protect a body treasure dress is 1.During the period of allowing to protect marriage to make to leave for Yunnan, take Wu San Gui(do an another case processing because of harm national security offense, bribe) to bribe 200,002 silvers.Being another to have can not say pure background property 1, add up to 17,530,002 silvers, 300,002 golds, 30 boxes of jewelries.According to 《penal code 》 Article 383, Article 387, the Wei makes corruption and takes bribe offense and graft to take bribe quantity huge, penalize life imprisonment, deprive political the right is 15 years.
Kangxi 15 years, the Wei makes to flee Yang state inside one beautiful spring hospital in the brothel and use to be fond of a medicine Su X and double X, once X, bathed a XX and square X, X, X total seven woman fanses carried out after pouring**, cause Su X, the X was pregnant.Bathe among them XX for Be under 14 years old young female.Wei's rebeling against authority to say behavior has already violated 《penal code 》 Article 156 and constitute**offense.Because it commits crime means bad, have already resulted in to injure biggest towards victimizing Human body heart, penalize death penalty, deprive political right for life.
The Wei makes the rules of taking no cognizance 《marriage method 》 monogamous, the use threat lures by money offers to wait means, and Su X and double X, hair XX, once X, bathed a XX and square X, the X was long-term to cohabit, and and hair XX, Su X, the X was each to raise sons and daughters, had already constituted to settle a dispute solid marriage, had to commit bigamy offense, penalized imprisonment for a specific term for three years and deprived political the right was six months.
The Wei small treasure is a deluxe imperial government staff, deliberately flout the law, do all sorts of evil, is guilty of the most hideous crime, not kill is not enough civilian's anger.For this, this hospital will above count offense and punish, penalize small treasure death penalty of Wei to three times add life imprisonment an imprisonment for a specific term three years, deprive political right three a life times to add for 15 years and zero 6 months.This verdict appeal to higher court for eventually judging, canning not.
Play deluxe court of the people indiscriminately

The text chapter 3998 fairy sword strange Xia spreads of lovers 【5 match one chapter 】
Renew time:2009-2-2817:05:08 chapter word numbers:15811

Lee is free and unfettered
This story is fabrication if be purely and strangely fits similar
Chapter 1
Pure Chen
Lee of"month such as, month such as, don't…… don't " is free and unfettered whole body nerveless looking at Lin Yue if be taken by a light regiment.
"Hum ha ha ha ha ha…………"A burst of overbearing laughter spreads from the light regiment, "is free and unfettered, free and unfettered, ……"
Lee of"is free and unfettered, get up quickly, get up quickly,beats by dre pro, month such as at the outside wait you for a long time" is free and unfettered tiny to open eyes on seeing, "old elder sister, again
Let me sleep more a short while"Lee is free and unfettered and in a daze of be going "Suzhou" again.
"Hurry, if Lin Yue waited you for a long time, you you's lateness don't want to bring trouble other people and hum, smelly boy, you dare to also sleep not
Want to force me extremely recruit "Lee really true two eyeses flush, drinking of gnash teeth in hatred way" well, you have a kind Related articles:

