
beats by dre studio hd Under common peop

Come down, intrigue against each other, Er worry my Zha, even if the peace year is also hard to avoid, make him deeply sink hard from pull out, even none of hearts is free, don't even talk body.
"The childe of the gentleman, didn't you really remember me?"
Kneadses sword Jue, the square a life time is more outstanding than black sky of drive up, the current of air of sum heart black and white turns, a handle Bian not the huge sword in color gradually float, the Mou son delivers iciness more, hoarse not smooth the words sound believe in from the sword in sky lord extrusion in the throat.
"You first Duo green jade China, again disorderly east continent, it was who to unexpectedly can not remember me.Like, good, don't remember also good, do a blurred ghost, your gentleman childe's scene terminates today."
"It is you."
The sea breeze rolls like tide, the week hopes to trample a black sky of man who drives to the feet after the gentleman title, have already remembered he is who, but have never thought separate to carry so more, oneself again see in those early years green jade the fiance of China, the sword believes in little Zong Zhu that day.
The corner of mouth starts to float to difficult to expressly smile an idea, the week just meant to say after the gentleman what, at this time, the heart bottom suddenly livings the omen of one silk bad omen.
The color of the sky delivers dark more, the dark cloud spreads to the utmost, but still dusk black Ji, the black and white light is dizzy to break open Gao Tian just like the surprised thunder suddenly Shan, one handle is huge have no flying of companion the sword is from the sky but decline, sink white spirit to float on black spirit of sword body, strange and changeful just like the dream dimple.
"Sword life and death field in sky, ephemeral just as dream......Cut!"
The sword song is clear and bright, and then holds very thick grudge, the sea water rises and falls, the wave tide is vacillating, the huge sword roars and shouts since then and curl up Tao for sky of the power split to cut toward the week after the gentleman.
The gentleman sword floats a tunic Xiu, a recruit to use old, the week takes out sword and stumbles but backs after the gentleman.
Pull out although the sword speed is quick to soon resist dint, weigh 20000 catties, can be gentleman sword to run into that handle huge sword, the week feels a hard Ying enemy after gentleman, proper just square a life time Zhuo that recruits regardless a technique still a sword ideas all deeply wear unfathomable power, the black and white lighting imitates a Buddha a square life and death mutually three worlds, once being involved in to know life and death among them and not such as dream like dimple, even if the week escapes after the also hard gentleman.
"Sword life and death field in sky......The sword idea acquainted with so much."
The white dress turns over to fly, the week goes in the wave head after the gentleman barefooted Dian and holds sword backset, that handle huge sword just like attach the Ju of bone tightly and force toward him, East China Sea on clamor to don't extremely drink a colourful voice, everyone's influence is strong looking at for a sky, the sword believes in lord one sword fame Che ring the gentleman childe of world force to back and all loudly shout to inflate, in the heart as well laid up a this trip before to the gentleman childe's Gao Kan.
"Way lord, the this person sword idea is strange and changeful, rather deal with him with the anti- right way bead."
The ear spreads a Gui way advising of snake person Jian, week after start to float the color of clear Wu in the gentleman Mou, shake a head light a say with smile.
"Although the this person sword idea is strange and changeful unfathomable, can once see as well.......Sword life and death field in sky, life and death common people sword......Really seem."
The color of the sky An sinks, the dark cloud presses toward the boundless wave since the all directions flowed out, East China Sea on, fold wave head Gao Yong, the week tramples a wave point after the gentleman feet, fiercely live the power of backset.
"Only, this life and death mutually three of the life and death rotation of the way far not equal to common people sword way idea, since it is so, I again He Ju Yong's sword."
The corner of mouth starts to float difficult to express smiling face, centesimal fillip in a flash, the gentleman sword pulls out once again, the week drives a wave after the gentleman but up.
(Get to the Internet recently time few, also renew top and bottom, saw next book review area today, is spreading to see in Jing:wxl the message of 2008 children's shoeses is a bit deelpy ashamed also some touched, write to hunt a sky really is very happy, hope to finish keeping origin, keep a later book.)

The text chapter 590 childe crosses sea(three)

The fragrance of books house renews time:2011-4-1218:31:29 chapter word numbers:3157

Seven state time, week after gentleman's strongest opponent is 1,017, the opponent respecting and admiring most is a Luo after harm, however he thinks most a to fight of but is an enemy as well as well friend of left visit to living.
Under common people sword, the life and death rotates, this in this world has how much person can truely penetrate the way of life and death, and then have how much person can be like left visit to living a sort to let go of life and death of honor versus dishonor, even if the week also asks myself to investigate to break after the gentleman.The common people sword escapes a life time, again don't pull out sword, week after gentleman with left visit to living of the war of consequently become long time off, seven state capital city front of life and death although one sword print to engrave in the at heart, it lets week after gentleman itching to do unbearable, can but again can not in person the article try.
At present the square a life time Zhuo also fixs of the way of life and death, can only is a life and death mutually three, still come short of the situation of life and death rotation, if the week doesn't even dare this swords to answer after the gentleman, it the day decree by destiny again meet common people sword, the power of the gentleman sword is one Kui a long distance.
The feet trample a wave head, against the wind but rise, the week gives a long whistle after the gentleman a , the right hand dead dead fists gentleman sword and runs out energy and heavily splits and keeps on cutting, this sword doesn't hold dint not to hold an idea, holds brute courage, if leave and hate sky unchangeablely split sword, breaks unreal for cutting.
This sword is quick if surprised Hong Xuan if meteor, view war in East China Sea of public haven't seen pure, the gentleman sword has already split toward that regiment black and white life and death field.
Is long reach the fracture of 100 Zhangs livings from the gentleman sword bottom, the lighting flows to turn and imitates if a long river horizontal Gen at square a life time Zhuo under the sword in the life and death field, two huge dint tore to pull mutually burnt burn, in the life and death field life and death mutually three, change unfathomable, but gentleman sword the battle blood is brave, its dint is huge but has no variety.
The tides opens from restless two sword edges and piled such as the mountain vacillating toward the all directions but go, under the gentleman sword and the sword world will soon drive at the moment that life and death field destroy, week after gentleman eye the disease is quick moving, pull out sword but, the Teng height flies.This act falls a beside public eye inside should only week after gentleman difficult enemy a life time Zhuo, will soon fall to hurt, all loudly drink colourful shout, even square a life time Zhuo also not from must be inwardly satisfied, the sword idea in hand is slightly slow.
At this time, head in the sky suddenly rings out a burst of give a long whistle, public see go, sees the gentleman childe's hands' embracing sword Be signed to high in the clouds and brush past a wisp of sword blade of being naked, falling in the in the Mou, and his body form also gradually becomes aery unfathomable.Is public to don't understand its idea, the square a life time Zhuo then sneers at repeatedly and fly a body to jump to leave black sky of drive, copieses repeatedly, let out for a sky, the sword life and death field keeps rushing toward week after gentleman but go.
"The childe of the gentleman, my bitterness fixs for 50 years and eventually becomes a rare sword method, today with you it die Yang I of sword in the sky!"
The tides rises and falls, the Hua Hua makes to ring, the week embraces gentleman sword after the gentleman, Zhang Kou swallows to vomit, 1% fillip in a flash after, his facial expression is abrupt however stagnate, the body form also gradually becomes stiff, a shadow of human figure from he the sum heart Cuan, enclosed with gentleman sword after turning an eye.
The week fixs after the gentleman whole body for achievement the method Bo adopt many of long, blended many exquisite war skills, learn mixed, can just because of such, he the scholastic attainment on the sword way isn't very profound.The gentleman far fells, besides which, only have and left visit to living to exchange to get of that recruits to cut to break unreal, the list wants to break with these two kinds the sword life and death field in sky is far far not enough, proper just cut to break although the unreal split the world in sword, have never been like the sort that he thinks to cut the sword life and death field in sky ground.In this in a dilemma moment, the week suddenly thoughts of one wonderful method of recruiting after the gentleman, although have never tried, can if become, not only can break sword life and death field in sky, return ability at gentleman sword way in again add one incomparable skill.
East China Sea on, surprised noise of shouting repeatedly, blue sea blue sky the front-line, the gentleman sword laceration unreal, can the gentleman sword at this time but and before of a vast difference between the two, public sees together and falsely copy to attach on the gentleman sword, white dress silver hair, sword sharp tiny Zhan peep out a transparent face, grow Mou thin lips, is exactly that gentleman childe.
"This BE......The Shu toured by imagination,beats by dre studio hd?Not rightness......"
1 spreads to have a shave a dew to apprehensive, the ground of Zheng Zheng the shadow of human figure that looking at to depend on on the gentleman sword, and then return to Mou to see toward the week that is signed to cloud head just like the wood person after the gentleman, tiny absentminded in the brain.Tour by imagination of although the Shu is seldom seen, can Xuan the sky is above strong mostly can display, only and very fee way dint just, can that gentleman childe unexpectedly with tour by imagination of the Shu resist sword,the such skill is to have never been seen, tour by imagination of Shu have no the Zong didn't copy fillip must inside, almost can arbitrarily attain anyplace, if resist by touring by imagination to fly sword, this sword should again much quickly many hard catch to touch.
At public in succession surprised Cha of, the gentleman sword has already disappeared in the head in sky, 1/1000 fillip in a flash after, the gentleman sword is abrupt however appear the sword life and death on sky the field is another on carrying, keep pointing square life time Zhuo with shocked look.
The gentleman far fells originally is already the quickest sword to recruit, the heart reads to the gentleman sword as well to, however again quick, but can not also exceed square the sword life and death field in sky of a life time Zhuo, can if with the Shu toured by imagination resists it, then can cross life and death field without basis, directly cut to square a life time Zhuo of meat body.
High in the clouds on, week after the gentleman remain whole body stiff line Related articles:

