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In the novel, and then looked at Battelle ,said : Battelle ,we are small, not often come here to play the bird ?A number of such a big white bird meat delicious ... ... , relationresultMeat .
.. ... Yummy. , relationresultChongRui Peng Fei and doctor three people ,were Timur words to thunder ,now this year ,there was white swan meat tasty ,reading wood children speak licking lips ,then certainly do not eat .
relationresultWhat, me ... ... I would not know the swan is a protected animal ah ,later but not played ... ... , relationresultBattelleis a village ,three people look at all uncomfortable when I was in the army ,he had hit the border smuggling of wild animal behavior ,of course, know the white swan is the national animal protection .
relationresultThe old bus ,did not think of you ... ... Also eat swan meat? , relationresultPeng Feipeople with an elongated tone ,is clearly mocks Battelle toad eat swan meat .relationresultGo ,it will not sensible ,know what animal protection .
.. ... , relationresultBattellePeng Fei said the flushed ,and look to Timur ,said : the animal is protected by the state ,later allowed to play . , relationresultPeople who eat birds ,birds eat worms ,why not ? , relationresultTimura little unconvinced ,the prairie person rules of advocating nature ,its veins is to follow the law of the jungle nature this Britain s infrangible truth .
relationresultTamerlane big brother ,you are right ,but this kind of bird is endangered ,and kill it ,later will not see, so only protected ... ... , relationresultChongRui to ride a horse, talking ,while naturally or half unconsciously in to a lake near .
relationresultTimurI laughed ,cried: Hey ,so I don understand it ,don do not fight ,Zhuang Ruian answer ,I give you catch fish to lake ... ... , relationresultFirst came toa lake, Zhuang ,jumped off the horse ,laughed : still under me, my water but in the sea out of practice .
.. ... , relationresultZhuang Ruian answer ,the lake is deep ,has more than 10 meters ,we changed the place ? , relationresultTimuret al with in Zhuang Rui horse to go there ,until after the dismount surveyed topography ,not countenance ,because the lake is deep ,often out of some rare thing ,very few people come here to fishing .
relationresultAll right ,Timur brother ,I in the sea of time ,is a few meters of seawater and the unarmed dive ... ... , relationresultZhuang Ruipa wasTimur stop ,when speaking ,have body jacket and pants are off ,revealing strong but not exaggerated muscle .
relationresultHey ... ... Hey ! Timur also want to stop time, Chong Rui is along the lake into lake .relationresultPeng Fei asideto meet Battelle and Timur face with worry look ,she smiled and said : all right ,brother Zhuang water is really good .
.. ... , relationresultZhuangGu Rui now not what they say ,in the water ten meters deep hole ,like a magnet with strong suction force ,calling his entry .relationresult , relationresultThe 1166th chapter is missing ( on) , relationresultPeng Fei notesa place somewhat foolish of me or the village of brothers called back ,? , relationresultBattellelooked carefully look hear Peng Fei paused and then said not to regard it as right what strange ah ?relationresultThebrother was in the sea can bare-handed forty meters deep dive so large lakes can give him to do .
To know the sea water pressure than the inland lakes are much larger and Peng Fei know village Rui constitution as long as it is in no way a lake monster or something. There was no risk .
Well into the stubble Peng Fei opening asked Battelle Baldomir that there won people eat the monster ? , relationresultInChina is a monster exists like Xinjiang .The NASS Lake unknown creatures four ,Gan state Kowloon County mysterious plateau lake hunting tower lake and Changbai Mountain lake has ever seen an unknown source or origin of the big guy .
Although the evidence is not conclusive but everyone believe that this place must have known not to monster row of the grasslands have what living prehistoric creatures ,Cheap Beats By Dre.relationresultThe monster?No but Battelle Wenyan shake son shook his head and was about to speak when suddenly found village Rui body has no entry into the water suddenly angry the shouted Zhuang brother come back here cannot dive village ,the entire body is now fully into the water in the lake didn hear the words of Battelle even heard of Rui never mind him through Reiki to see clearly the film under the lake and there is no danger .
It is the shore of Peng Fei see Battelle hesitated .Was not fulfilled old Palestinian was asked what happened ?Articulate your words , relationresultI don Battelle smiled a sound in the area is the swan lake where most fish is the most but it under the current of water has been here fishing just be flow to pull down even the bones are not find to say here is the gateway to the sea eyes .
in the past ten or twenty years often have local people on the waters fishing or swimming missing things later authorities have organized the salvage operation was not found human remains at the bottom of the lake bottom collate measured water flows like a suction .
relationresultSince there is nocorresponding diving equipment and local government are afraid of a salvage crew appeared unexpectedly finally also settle a matter by leaving it unsettled .The government has not been able to figure out the truth of the matter is thus a native travels miraculous said here to Prince long Crystal Palace in the course of contacts again also nobody dare from water here Battelle, although not a gathering of people but they gathered from here is some ten km distance is also heard of this thing .
relationresultIhave this thing . , relationresultPeng Fei heard thebar with my words immediately after angry old bar. Why didn ? , relationresultItold you two do not listen . Battelle is also wrong from the start to remind the village is sent don but this both not seriously are themselves into the villains .
relationresultIhave to go for Zhuang Zhuang brother * * * how brother go trouble tell where ah ? Flying boat now look to the lake is no village Rui .The heart is increasingly alarmed also did not own the water as village Rui off up clothes .
relationresultCar Peng Feigang just off his jacket as preparing solution pants more than 10 meters outside the lake suddenly turned up the wave Hu �� to sidesseparated Zhuang send head bobbed up .
relationresultBrotherjohn , relationresultSeeZhuang Rui exposed lake big brother Peng Fei ,you alright hurry up the lake about it , relationresultZhuang,I laughed and shook his head and said nothing is lake below the water is a little anxious but the fish is really more ah Peng Fei then as the village Rui voice and his right hand out of the water with the exposed surface and a foot long fish red when the long red tail is not live at the surface of the water .
How the village Rui right hand finger buckles into fish branchial office was seized by a hard right hand throwing red when the fish in a curve on the ground up .relationresultHey,Ruian answer really powerful this fish can be rare so great is the lake where only we can have delicious .
See Zhuang Rui it all down to Timur is happy the fish up to hold in the hand or looked at this red when the fish bones some fresh meat is usually very few people can catch to .
Chong Rui in the lake heard Timur not by laughing said Timur brother the fish back to roast me see below also old turtle have a look can catch one soup on the shore of a face when Timur heard village Rui to catch old turtle not by fear said: village ,following the flow of water you don go too deep . Related articles:

