
Artist Series a skein of relat

Come here. relationresultTry to run? Have a death wish. Li Wei moving shadow sliding forward ,left hand from behind with a thorn out of combat to brandish .relationresultAlmost likecan ,several ran in front of the Japanese soldiers as door-to-door delivery to their neck to send Li Wei fighting .
Who ran behind Li Wei ,no one could run out of step three ,carotid artery at the standard shot out large femoral blood arrow rapid emptying the Japanese soldiers in vivo blood pressure ,ultimately unable to throw himself on the floor .
relationresultAtlast the Japanese soldiers the opportunity quickly,Artist Series, illness to halt ,but Li Wei was carrying around his neck to the battle was lost .relationresultLi Weia second out of four or five Japanese soldiers on the scene ,almost frightened five to record face white ,legs straight tremble ,the four company commander was considered life as worthless ,commit innumerable murders had not been .
relationresultAlook at the watch ,Li Wei again see a has not fight the Japanese soldiers ,he was a battlefield in the soldiers shouted: don hurry up ! , relationresultAh!~ oh oh !�� , relationresultHand-to-handbattle dying screams repeatedly, two rows of soldiers instead of just playing Taiji ,and Japanese soldiers and push each other cloud ,action neatly like apes ,directly open opponent block ,bayonet directly cut into each other key ,make life a skein of .
relationresultThis is only the tworow of real strength ,effectively killing blow ,quickly end the fight, Li Wei satisfied with a nod of the head .relationresultNotesare still unsatisfied ,beauty can Miluni out complained : the end of combat ?! It looks like she has adapted quickly so bloody environment ,can be prepared into the theater to interview ,ability to adapt to nature not weak .
relationresult!To death isawful ,Japanese is not good ! No dangerous situations ,it is up to also be on the high ropes together ,go to just over Japanese soldiers corpse ,pretending to look down on ,East ,west one kick ,ravaging the Japs if you like .
relationresultA Japanese soldiercorpses suddenly finger moved , ah ! It is up to immediately jump to the side ,a frightened woman screaming .relationresultIt is onlythe dead * nerve reflex .
,the soldiers a laugh uproariously ,Wen took this as today ,twelve division team sharpshooter and rapid response training can not white silk ,even today can one gun to give him back to Hades there .
relationresultLee company commander !How ended so quickly ,I would like to take two ~ Ta Kung Pao pursed lips to Jasmine Li Weidao ,today film program usage has not yet run out ,this time .
But with plenty of film .relationresultTwoforeign journalists is licking the lips ,is also not satisfied ,remember occupation hobby has let them overcome the bloody discomfort ,they today pictures back, is enough to cause a sensation .
relationresultthe transfer, can not stay here ,if has the Japanese forces ,we are indifferent, you safe ,I would not be able to ensure . Li Wei also has his own plan ,the bullets but not recognized, if no protection comprehensive ,this several recorded a three long poles ,district captain Wang Bao also did not have the means to the Central Committee of the party .
relationresultThe mission,Captain Wang Bao commanded the district but very carefully ,absolutely not lose, and the previous task compared ,Li Wei is a convergence of many, no nine into the hold ,he is not just under the command of .
relationresultPresumablythe Japanese should also got China group news ,I or a recent peace ,Li Wei also had some measure of psychological .relationresultWhat a pity.~ Wen still used a handkerchief wiping his forehead above he was out cold sweat ,but his face is thick enough ,and recovery as a fine man .
relationresultLadies and gentlemen ,today is just a warm-up ,after this battle will be more in the US ,according to the ground ,cheap beats by dre,the lack of activity is war ,we have called the battle for life .
Li Wei calm down ,said: there is heaven ,warrior !As long as the Japs still occupy the Chinese day ,our resistance it will never stop ,life ,not just fighting ! , relationresultLi Weimotivational speech immediately brought down a piece of applause, to keep people, today interviews also have a very good title ,each according to the ground to find that can play ,and ghost ghost fine fine ,can show off one Huyou guy ,really find out could be better than Li Weiqiang .
relationresultDirected by Li Weia small war of World War II, similar to a farce as battle ,let a group of Japanese soldiers became free actors ,both output and life .relationresultRememberwho is like your won the battle like a road ,excitement followed back to camp team, exchanged opinions without writing ,a front tension and depression .
relationresult!To my dear !My son !- a woman suddenly appeared in Shijing Township team barracks door, they stopped Li Wei .relationresultThe womantightly hold the front of the line, a soldier ,a row of a monitor ,keep crying ,like mad ,hoarse almost out-of-tune voice made a jump down .
relationresultThemonitor is dare not move easily ,hold one to let the woman pulled shook .relationresultButChina group with Li Wei for a long time, also learned to watch the step ,meet special condition ,the soldiers responses than recorded are much faster, remember to see a row of two rows of ranks of warriors and not making any beware of look ,also understand and no risk .
relationresultWhatmatter .And so she runs out ?! Li Wei didn too good ,this time several people see that woman ,the ran to pull the woman ,trying to separate woman and a row of monitor .
relationresultThe 470th Festival , relationresultAquila sister-in-law !It son ! , relationresultLet go ,that is the twelve division soldiers ! , relationresultThe peopleside words kept telling the crying woman ,while trying to pull a woman .
relationresultNo, my son !Take my son back to me !My son ! The voice of a woman is very sad ,it can ,I do not know what to the strength ,three or four people rush forward ,but still won the woman .
relationresultFivedown is really see the wind is rain ,immediately felt and unexpected subject can be dug ,surrounded the past ,even with a camera .relationresultHello !To the woman ,what ?!The soldier and what is your relationship ? Ta Kung Pao Jasmine even be poker-faced out a little book to interview .
relationresult!To my son !What do you do to mother !~ the other people called Aquila woman flexible not to cry ,don ignore on jasmine .relationresultProdigal !Prodigal ! Central Daily News editor of Wen shook his head sigh: abandoned home mother down ,Beats Solo HD!How sad ,sad ! , relationresultThreeocean Kee blinking the eyes, not simply plug up later ,only for translation, copy Jasmine interview recording .
relationresultLi Weisnorted ,some feel helpless say: the woman is Liao Aiguo ! Liao Aiguo is four a row of class monitor ,now smile was the Aquila sister-in-law to pulling .The soldiers on the battlefield to kill spoil the enemy ,a top strength big ,Liao Aiguo fear that a big break when Aquila sister-in-law ,only standing motionless, while other soldiers also can help .
relationresultThe name of Liao Aiguois in twelve teams after the change ,before everybody called him Liao Gou Zi ,although is also an orphan born ,but A Guisao did and what relation .
relationresultSorry.Jasmine seemed unbelievable turned his head to see Li Wei ,pointing to the woman said : this is how a matter ? , relationresultHer son ten years ago by several Japanese abducted . Related articles:

