
Beats Solo HD report to me Her

Hesitation, he must make a choice !relationresultSometimes itis quite dramatic ,BOT just decided :chest choking feeling slightly better ,he charged the enemy heavily guarded export .relationresultCanthis piercing alarm is sounded ,almost in the army grew up in the orcs ,easily you can tell ,this alarm is from a wooden flute musical instrument similar to the issue, it has an image name :siren .
Is the human forces the most common alarm tool .relationresultThe loud sound and theenemy of rapid response, make BOT time some vacant :is it the enemy found himself escaped ,but why the siren is another exit the first ring .
The first to leave the tent and human soldiers are quickly rushed to the exit .Don alarm is initiated because of some other reason !relationresultTheorcs be very much puzzled by it, he near the ramp stationed sentry also sounded the alarm ,the new ring immediately attracted the attention, attention turned to the moment, of greet scene made his heart startled :countless shadows ,impact the ten human sentinels .
Just let the BOT is a instant new visitors ,don waste the break as easy as blowing away the dust .relationresultSergeantsaw the shadow of the moment know : This is not an ordinary groups ,they self-controlled ,between each other regardless of attack or protect ,do every rhythm ,it is constitution .
relationresultThe most important of these is theshadow leader, often make some gestures ,coupled with his constant waving large weapons ,which are BOT extremely familiar : those gestures in di * * is called :command language ,is designed to facilitate speech task used in the ,is every emperor * * person must be one of the skills .
relationresultThe greatordnance sergeant is more familiar, Munro Empire NTSC Tomahawk ,BOT as a child in learning how to use it .relationresultSeeing all this,the orcs suddenly heaved a sigh of relief ,you know :he is awakened from his coma ,direct began the absconding and combat ,to say not tired and worried ,it is fundamental to make fun of .
Many do not speak, light is a chest that entanglement for a sense of suffocation ,wanted to let the orcs to put down everything, lie back on the cave to rest .relationresultWhenever thismoment ,all is the heart of the strong sense of honor ,stopped him: he empire sergeant, tribal warrior ,was captured by the enemy is a burning shame and humiliation ,but also because the body back to jail ,it is can let him shame to himself .
relationresultButdo not be most willing to be put in a quandary ,now in his critical moment, suddenly saw the Imperial forces ,and this forces or to attack a human camp !relationresultBe snatched from the jaws of deathpleasure with the BOT body of each cell in a hand ,he pulled me the cloak ,ready to pounce ,black troops went to greet .
relationresultJustrun two step sergeant ,I suddenly saw a team star ,successful buildup in the camp .It is one of the most elite force ,reaction force is good .relationresultBut thestar so that they did not like the expected that ,against the orc soldiers attacked from both sides ,they have high speed to have held a bot that cave moved past .
relationresultSoregardless of number or strength ,were unable to compete and enemy Titan infantry ,full camp running .Is not organized and lost their commander ,as no place to hide, pheasant ,was two shares of black iron wanton suppression kill .
relationresultStarmakes behavior completely hooked BOT interest :on whether a one-track mind towards comrades ,but held his cave ,is really the prisoners than dozens of soldiers but also important .
relationresultUnknown to thesergeant know how stars Rob ,union to command is: do everything possible to destroy Luo Wude orc ,if it happens to try to kill .relationresultAfter all:rely on individual combat force destroyed a town ,it is necessary to get rid of the orcs .
Besides the orcs still should be in a coma .relationresultBott nowwants to rush to kill the dozens of stars to make ,even if he could not win ,but can also support to friendly forces .
However ,think of these star make hands may have two artifact ,Sergeant control himself to avenge the * * ,accelerate pace into the front ranks of black .relationresultBut thiswill Sergeant miscalculated :if the dozens of star of the hands and two handle artifact ,the enemy on the critical situations ,how can they braved the artifact being deprived of the danger to kill the prisoners ?( to be continued ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,such as for his funeral, please visit www.
**.com ,chapters more ,relationresult. relationresultThe two volume of the sixty-four chapter , relationresultBOT ,the warriors who is absolutely amazing ,although most of them do not know Sergeant looks ,but the ghost vultures armor unique styling and left the huge fist ,already became the only damage control :Dragon Crystal, a legendary warrior best indication to destroy the town .
relationresultSo,although in the battlefield ,but there are still a lot of soldiers to stop ,just returned the sergeant .relationresultThis kind of behaviorof disturbed war process ,so the BOT immediately loudly shouted: I am the commander personally appointed task force temporary Supreme Master Sergeant :bot .
relationresultAll the soldierslisten to concentrate on fighting .relationresultThemovement of the head ,immediately report to me .Here are some special situations I need to consult with him .
, relationresultBlack orcsvoice just fell ,a loud voice answered him : this action is responsible for reporting to you !My master sergeant .relationresultAlso,the temporary two word .You are already a force in the heart of all people ,Supreme Master Sergeant , relationresultFamiliartimbre and superior usual tone ,these characteristics have made the speaker need .
relationresultYour highness ! BOT with rare ,slightly surprised tone ,turned back to just prince .Some at a loss of said: Your Highness ,how would you personally led a combat mission ?It .
But please forgive .relationresultSergeantif not finished ,was behind Berg sprang to form a in the arms of her friend Frank ,is many .relationresultThe twoarmor because of his too hard and collision ,issued a ringing voice .
relationresultMy brother .The wizards were detect magic .Found here are human intertwining .We then conducted the investigation; Scouts come to say ;you are captured .I did not believe this is true :no one can love you .
Even if .I will help you to tear him to pieces . , relationresultTanmuch some shortness of account .Jeanbot was a little awkward smile .He must be admitted ;buddy hug are always makes people feel relax .
Especially after long time independent war .But the topic is more sensitive .The sergeant to brothers in front of a lie .So the voice some lowland said: in fact; I was indeed captured .
It is a shame !But you know :I was unconscious .Wake up and found himself tied up ....relationresultA littleashamed to discourse .Be prince side Dikelesi timely interrupted : they hurt you ? , relationresultIn addition to my pride away .
No BOT to answer very quick and steady .relationresultAt this time.Many acquaintances gathered around .Most of them are initially followed .To destroy the Dragon Master Jingdi Warrior: the elite and the black orcs to intimacy .
When the owl ,Beats Solo HD,mercy ,Beats Detox,to Molubi ,Baca is from the soldiers have followed the BOT warrior .relationresultMaster sergeantand want to embrace all brothers and one by one on the site .But the situation does not allow him to do so . Related articles:

