
cnn a surprised wayCan

Say the prayers what, the Qi Rui spirit way:"Do not have fun, can see a not edible woman incredibly be also fond of so!"
Li Chang sighs a way respectfullly:"This words said to still go in the dormitory, we were brotherses, can't betrayed you, nevered tell others in the outside, red powder enchantress' under charge is just a near Wei soldier, the public appeal of my fairy isn't what she can compare, because the person who worships her gets up crazily what affairs all capable must come out of, amen!"
The Qi Rui Song shrugs shoulders Bang, way:"Calculate, don't say this woman, I see her hiding from a distance head office?Today weekend, afternoon have no lesson, you have what divertive plan?"
The everyones all have no a Zhi voice, Qi Rui strange way:"Eldest brother, don't you play an evil monster?The Yao shows off purely, don't you play CS?Do you all have no to what is up want to make?"
The way of 3 people unanimous opinion:"As long as you pay, dry what literally!"
The Qi Rui helplessly shakes, way:"Calculate, I paid, you say why why."
Li Chang respectfullly proposal way:"Rather buy some snack, we play a card in the dormitory, everyone is together so long haven't played a card."
The beard learns a soldier to shout a then under the sending of everyone interest blunt blunt of the footman went.
After more than ten minutes he mysterious ground of Xi Xi came back and closed a door he thief's thief's tunnel:"Big good news!Big good news!The big good news of all Chin Hua men, the beauty cutthroat placard head and Chin Hua the boy hate most , Wang Qiong Run the big Yin is cruelly and Waterloo evil, drive'my fairy'cut to fall Ma Xia, really give all a lift of the heart!All someone prepared to let off firecrackers to celebrate."
Li Chang Gong shows off with Yao purely all happy the mouth steal to smile, Qi Rui gnash teeth in hatred of way:"Do not say, quickly play a card, play a card!"
In order to defend to cheat, everyone decides to play respectively for"is big old two" of the war, this is big old two not that is big old two, is a kind of poker play, some places are again called to run a card, or call Dou landlord, everybody takes 13 cards and constitutes together flower or agreeable son, bomb ……first the over card wins.
The whole world that became a person: Qi Rui in the afternoon, they and the Qi Rui play a card, isn't birthday person's Mr. to commit suicide by hanging-seek dead?
A card is just 54 pokers, this operation is in the brain of Qi Rui absolutely the flower don't arrive thousand times of an of operation ability, and the Qi Rui still cheats with eyes-his luck rise inside achievement, eyes clearly can see each position of card and shuffle cards of person all can calculate a novice, don't can result in to the Qi Rui where fear a little interference.
The cards all remembered, and then owned super operation ability, this card still had what divertive?From now on the Qi Rui discovers oneself's a little use again, cans gamble and is a wager king!
Proceed from to three regardless of brothers feeling the hatred of guy of, the Qi Rui kills three guys of wretchednesses in a great mess, clip on the face full from the clothespin that each dormitory collected, with as for the Xiao jade Ling knocks on door incoming of time also think to walk into mental institute.
"You all at why?"The Xiao jade traverses a strange way.
"Do not see out?We at play a card."The heart of Qi Rui in happy, the pleased smiling face opens tunnel.
See this to see that, Xiao jade Ling finally surprised Cha tunnel:"Win for your a person?"
The Qi Rui walks on air tunnel:"Certainly, I am a wager king!"
And then someone knock on door, the Xiao jade Ling opens the door, and then comes in a beauty.
"The Hao is pure!"The Yao showed off to purely and flurried take all of the clips of face down and greatly dedicated to affably run up to welcome.
The Hao is pure tiny tiny to him a smile and then let he eyes fan many colors not Bian thing, then she hopes a smile of Qi Rui, way:"The leader of class adult has a campus dancing party tonight, you must take part in, our boy of class is about to save some face with you!"
", By a happy chance, I am to come to invite Qi Rui to participate in dancing party!"Xiao jade Ling and Hao the pure seemed to rub electricity spark.
"How to do there Ting Ting?"The Qi Rui pulls Xiao jade to traverse a part to go to a soft-voiced way:"And I can't dance again!"
The Xiao jade Ling has a little a surprised way:"Can't dance?Are you still a really only strange man, ha ha, can't I teach you like, Ting elder sister Ting I have already said with her, is what she says to go together there."
" Say like this!You tonight up must win glory for our class!"The Hao is also pure and gives up the friend to the Qi Rui very successfully over there to draw together.
Two big beauties come out one old long, just someone suddenly thinks of:"I didn't jump a dance and how for the country won glory!"Look an only good man not and only have the Qi Rui 1.

Chapter 8(up)

For sweeping to dance blind, everyone hurriedly dismisses a card bureau and looks for a superior or learns the vcd of dancing everywhere, will the Yao dancing show off to purely want to be a teacher to express for a while, the result recognizes after the everyone's fire eye gold Jing, this person level can say ratio can't of be being a little bit stronger, being also kicked out to seek data to go. The Qi Rui makes a phone call to ask Jiang Yun Ting, she is to gentle and softly say:"Is not unimportant, I teach you!"
Qi Rui stuffy voice lucky strike, satisfied in the heart, looking at busy myriad living things of Yun Yun to secretly steal joy.
VCD is sought, everyone dislikes a small notebook screen of Qi Rui too small, then arrived next door to seek one set 21 inch the purely even computer side put a side to learn, the Qi Rui also curiously follows to go over and have a look.
This a few guys returning is really severe and incredibly seek for them to come to more than 20 vcds a while, not only common three tread four social dancings to tread, even what tango, the tap dances all have, and the most is incredibly more popular street dance currently.
Everyone certainly all studied social dancing, can the Qi Rui has a liking for two eye the basic rule remembered and kept on seeing again absolutely is boring and returned to dormitory to go fetch his/her own small notebook and pinned up only get rid of, from at part have already started to see the another dish coming.
In a hurry once had dinner, the Xiao jade traversed a telephone with the Qi Rui invoked Shu to invoke in the past, the fee of Qi Rui exerted argument to say aunt the in a daze and pleased smiling face opened and was him as the good kid of world one and only, then put him pass by.
Is last the building come and result in all the way surprised Cha innumerable, with difficulty hid into Xiao jade Ling of dormitory.
Dormitory inside, a few girls are rounding Jiang Yun Ting at to her disguise, the Xiao jade traverses at part keep preaching:"…… Take no notice of him,Facebook, seek to lend, say you are tired of borrowing of type, don't always can't refuse other people, know some time still get resolute the brush-off just goes of ……"
The Qi Rui wonders a way:"She should refuse you first?However she says it's really actually reasonable, Ting Ting too gentleness too docile ……"
See the Qi Rui come in, the Xiao jade Ling by leap and bound picks up a heap of clothes from the bed, fills the bosom of Qi Rui and points at a locker room way:"Oneself goes in to change a set of clothes and cautiously order, if while coming out, you make us feel dissatisfaction,google, we can want personally to you change of!"
Looking at her evil evilly smile, there is also flank of a few irritable visions for flying to flee to come over, the wolf of Qi Rui pursued Tu ground to escaped into.
The female kid's locker room is with boy of different, the place is big many don't say, inside of repair to all be good friends with up many, again to the female children embellish for a while, seem to be very warm and fragrant.
The Qi Rui isn't intentional to appreciate, just have a little hesitant of look for it to have to shoot to be like a head everywhere, this year ……
The Qi Rui finally made change full dress in white, time walk out saw silly while letting several girls who raising eyes in order to wait for ascend eye, Xiao jade Ling 'Ze Ze'in admiration of round him to turn 1 turn to also pick not to develop trouble.
The Qi Rui tried to walk two, way:"Are these clothes all lately- bought?"
Xiao jade Ling Dao:"Yes, I know to have such a dancing party later I exclusively go out for you buy of, ran for a day."
"You how can anyone know my dimensions,cnn, buy all to pretty match a body."Qi Rui strange way.
Jiang Yun Ting was pushed by the girls to enter a locker room, 2 people were to beat hello and connected to talk time to all have no.
The smiling face bloomed to dulcify on Xiao jade Ling Lian, small voice is in the Qi Rui ear way:"My husband should wear what dimensions of clothes don't I know as well?"
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