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Two younger brothers lead many soldiers to come to rob a class to seize the power, this is a to threaten a huge enemy to the imperialisms.
Because while controling southeast five provinces, although the under charge of Kang Si often crosses the border an attack, but doesn't occupy other sites, and oneself clearly knows a Ge member to have a good many to is what empire person Be from.
But the Kang Si that comes up from the sea surface now become sworn brothers, who know which the people he is?In case of is the words of foreigner, once being controled by him southeast five province, these five province equal to carry on the back a foreign country to seize!
The third, is also make oneself a little bit trust of BE, this Kang Si becomes sworn two younger brothers in the southeast five province of officials in and lose public support.
Only see those words that this small fry can all blurt out to oneself's this outsiders, be good enough to express that this officials become sworn two younger brothers' fellings to the Kang Si very lousy, already lousy to see who all vent of situation, otherwise can't violate openly him thus, either main male brothers,cheap beats by dre.
Pouring to this can make oneself make use of, in commander-in-chief's eyes, ignore Southeast Asia five save time to set up separatist regime still independently, as long as the leader and all of troops is empires person, that also the doesn't matter is anyway still a part of empire.
Can if the leader and all of troops is foreigners, this southeast five affirmations in the province will be gone fetch by the foreigner to do the groundwork for founding a nation.
That southeast five provinceses will thoroughly come out from the empire separation, this is absolutely not ability member Xu De!So in spite of oneself uses what way, must definitely expel two younger brothers of Kang Si out of the empire!
Ao Ke Er forever also surprisingly oneself be incredibly thus been disgusted with by person, he surprisingly he conceal forever the very deep greed was incredibly and a long while ago seen in the eye by many people.
This time although he used sad Kang Si situation, call on a borrowing of oneself eldest brother business, who all clear he is to come to rob a class to seize the power.
But because what all don't know, so mood very of good Ao Ke Er is standing at the moment gunwale coping, look beyond the front looks endless of land coast line.
Saw a short while Er, the Ao Ke Er's unbearable Hao feeling greatly delivered of stretch out right hand, the five fingers opens, the wrist slowly inside out empress handle knob points Zuan together, be like grasp the whole piece of mainland in hand.And while doing this to act, also sing low a way at the same time in his mouth:"You, will be belong to mine!"
See his double the eye send forth of steaming hot ray of light, and that shivers a continuously body, can know that he was a what concussion now.

The second 14th gathers each the wolf sub- greed with the diagram chapter 1
Renew time:2009-8-117:40:59 chapter word numbers:9918

Empire Southeast Asia five save the biggest for use by the military port in, at the moment all southeasts mostly the war ships of Du mansion all have been already left port and did on the sea surface the in file welcomes of brigade form.
However, this is just the appearance that the outsider sees, in fact war the water soldier on board, all order strictly under getting into at any time and can launch the war preparedness piece of attack too in the military officer.
These water soldier and military officers on board all know oneself wants to face this time of is who, will soon rob a class of kinds of goods for seizing the power to this, these people all have no of good will.
The water soldier whom the empire mainland is from goes without saying, they absolutely can't obey an unfamiliar outside to fasten the personnel as prime minister of, and fly the water soldier whom the Du peninsula is from, also would not like to this is named lord male two younger brothers, in fact however being the kinds of goods that is one inside etc. minister in the house in the thunder house to become is own of lately main Mr..
In fact make reference to bottom, Ao Ke Er of why can not develop the extreme achievement to Kang Si two younger brothers' identities, acquire the approbation of the under charge of Kang Si, one is a mirror rate not high, two is that the position isn't high, three is have never signed bottom what huge of the achievement move.
As long as want Ao Ke Er is flying Du peninsula so and coming down for several years, also however is inside minister in the house, clear Ke Er of 瞭 Ao was what low key.
Is such a to have no famous have no position, and the identity of main male brothers also however ten become sworn of kinds of goods, think with lend such an identity acquires main Mr. the leadership right of the influence?
Because these of cause, so mostly the top and bottom member of Du mansion, to Ao Ke Er but have no of one silk good will, don't blame him as well do a combat to become sad is a pleased action.
Gather all a Du mansion on the wharf military administration personnel, not only have no underneath soldier that kind of the atmosphere of the nervous alert, also didn't greet power expensive of that kind of respectfullly and sincerely, on the contrary in addition to several people are quiet quiet stand not to utter a word, all of others are 351 getting together of regimentses to chew the fat.
And, several calm down dint of the person is mutually a text, Liu Qing Yang, that the database is virtuous.
Although none of these 3 people takes pleasure in greeting Ao Ke Er, who make the other party have male two younger brothers this identity of lord?If don't greet,beats dr dre, have a little not to put Mr. Zhu in the flavor in the eye.
Although lord Mr. hanged,everyone borrows a lord now male of the name come together together, they how do possible they contradict oneself?
As for the under charge worries the matter seizing the power the other party, they are three but basically has no misgiving like that.
Because they very clear, now mostly so many organizations of Du mansion are all mutual check and supervision, mutual united of, whichever organizations all can be in the activity inside the frame.
Unless the Kang Si re- comes out, otherwise who don't also want to re- take back right, is none of sons of Kang Si to go, don't even say just became sworn brothers.
At this time, a coping of sailboat emitted out from the sea surface.
On seeing a thunder word of sailboat coping big ensign, the owner of wharf immediately resumes Ning row and puts a solemn and peaceful expression to go an attention gift to that flag.
But the war ship of sea surface is also the flag signal that a long while ago tees off to welcome, all of water the soldiers are to pretty wear a waist, fully begin, raise head station on the deck, superficially look, all of each is one respecting adore of face expression.
But if see water the soldiers carry on the back at after death, the weapon hold in the hand, know them to still keep thousand times being on guard.
Stand on Ao Ke Er Yi's face of ship wharf to act with dignity shape of wave hand to wearing a smile these water soldiers, however just excitement have no in a short while, he discovered these water soldier's visions to don't put on the he's body, but all concentrations the noodles thunder word ensign in the ship crest.
Ao Ke Er An scolded a , but still keep continuing to keep a smile to recall, after all his hasing no birdbrain to arrive immediately don't wear a face to mean disaffection.
When the ship pays to be guided into wharf, Ao Ke Er of the ship's bow can easily see the wharf coming forward to greet to ownly have what person.
See arrive mutually a text, that the database is virtuous these big head of group a polite shape stand on the wharf to wait for to ownly arrive harbor, original have a little the Ao of misgiving Ke Er because of those water soldier's extensions, not from of loosen tone.
The expression that sees these big head of groups should be to welcome the own and after all have no one to lead the way a person is respectively government, collectively and basically have no advantage to this.
Hey Hey, as long as acknowledgement oneself is a new mastermind, once the identity position confirm and hold a position in name or not the round didn't arrive them to make decision.
The ship anchors like, Ao Ke Er originally the energetic and daring on the face immediately disappeared and made change heartsick expression, then seem the whole body have no dint, in the row text, Anne reaches of the Yan hand under, went on board to arrive at public in front.
While seeing arrive mutually a text, he cannot help but becoming speechless for a while.
Disappear for several years, this originally just pretty Kang Si personal attendant, incredibly become more of beautiful looks, and body ascend many one is mutually captivating and shoot the person's cold gorgeous manner, make the text make people take a glance more not to forget, but again don't dare to have any peep of heart, really make people happy.
Certainly, a Leng like this just for an instant just.
At and these Kang Sis keep belonging to minister Liao before meeting, Ao Ke Er but do a lot of become sad is pleased,beats by dre uk, so everyone basically cans not tells once his idea entertain foolish ideas led and saw of Be just his desire to cry have no tears, heartsick appearance.
Mutually the text and Liu Qing Yang sees Ao Ke Er cry bitterly of shape, the airs didn't change, only that the database Be virtuous to is one Leng first, immediately after is the air that flash across one silk despises in the eye, then also resumed equanimity.
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