
Beats Detox r did that captive

No matter the race is divided into how much kind, there is what all sorts of strange things, but the different branch of in fact just three races."
"?"Song in Chu sky isn't understand why depend on west Er D the generalissimo suddenly spoke of this problem, but he still interested inly asks a way:"All is which 3 kinds?"
"I am this classification method, the evolution race for using theory.You also know that the owners all think, Gang tile the races of the Na all from all living creatures of Gang tile Na in evolved to come.Each one various clans, all have rightness in response to ground living creature.So I they in fact is divided into 3 kinds, is the Kun that crawls along a type of evolution respectively clan and insect evolution ground match especially especially person, almost all races, all have connection with these two races."Say according to the west Er D.
", You so on saying, return be really return so a matter.However, also have 1 kind is what?"Song in Chu sky ordered to nod.In fact this kind of classification in his eyes not rare, although don't know that here isn't a permafrost Luo, Ji, , this is really a dinosaur ages is right, in addition to crawling along type and insect, all otherly haven't evolved.
Blink according to the west Er D, late say:"There is also 1 kind, this didn't a little bit not behave to know, probably you will be not understand.I can say, also have 1 kind BE'mammalia'evolution comer,Beats Detox."
I day!Mammalia!The song ground eye pupil son in Chu sky stares a while big, the lookinging at of Leng Leng depends on west Er D.
The other people maybe not know mammalia, can he not know?West Chu ground although the prince adult is called to fill Ya Zu,the Ya isin fact completely deluxe mammal, unique with fill Ya Zu Zhan's side, is that both is probably all what monkey evolves become, otherwise how can become big gold is just.However this phrase from depend on to leap out in the mouth of the Er D of west, really is to make people feel suspicious too much, does he how can know milk?
See Chu song is an appearance of shocked captivation, depend on for sky western the Er D explanation way:"Chu's adult, you not understand don't relate to, this is an old saving of ancient ages, know a ground of person have no how much, also not know is what mean, you see them as a kind of generic name of race all right."
"Being free is free, you continue to say, I can understand."Song in Chu sky thought in a short while and suddenly understood, now that depended on the west Er D generalissimo to even know genes and seem to know a mammalia, also not calculate what news.
"Okay, that I immediately after said, if you don't understand, can ask question at any time."Order according to the west Er D
Immediately after say:"This third classification is what I in those early years from too thou historic relic dedicated in once mentioned, unfortunately that time, I returned to be just a little master who doesn't have the knowledge, don't understand a side those data, knows a few words.But I knew the person evolving mammalia after, but produced interest.Because that last side raise a few race examples, I this just know, in fact we are three eye clans, with this kind of mammalia person, there is inseparable relation.Can say so, we are three eye clans, a mammalia evolution!"
, To, how didn't I notice before?
Song in Chu sky hears here, suddenly thought of really is so, in addition to growing three eyes, three eye clans also magic trick and deathless, in fact and regardless is an appearance or a race characteristic, all and the mankind are just about.Are three eye clans also what monkey changeses?
"I after knowing these suddenly produced some interest, you knew, Gang tile Na allly race, will have a rightness should of living creature category.For example say Kun especially person, that is the dinosaur evolution of, and match especially person but seem insect evolution of, and be like other national minorities to also all have a rightness should of, but we three eye clans but can not find rightness should of living creature, why?"Make reference to here according to the west Er D, took a look a circumferential person.
Fight second Ma La of absolute being to wait person to estimate to early listen to depend on the west Er D the generalissimo once describe, so just smile, don't anotherly mean.But Sa thin Luo Si obviously hear this affair for the first time, so the full face doubt ground looking at his/her owns teacher.But song in Chu sky in the mind turn over a river to pour sea similar, he feels unclearly,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, seem to have what day big secret, right away will uncover since then.
Sa thin Luo Si finally cannot helped but and made a noise to ask a way:"Teacher, why?Evolve into the living creature of three look in the eyes clans, perish?"
"Not, the Sa is thin, they didn't perish, affair be not you imagine of so."Shook to shake head according to the west Er D, see to own disciple, slowly say:"This problem tied up to round me for a long time, until star boundary different clan invade for for the first time of time .I have already become generalissimo at that time and led allied troops to vanquish invader,Artist Series, finally I am from a different clan captive's mouth inside that will die, ambiguously know three eye clan ground the background seems to have very big hidden facts."
"What hidden facts?"
Song in Chu sky and Sa thin Luo Si hears here, unbearable sent out to in astonishment ask a voice together.Then 2 people see each other and disdain to at the same time of cold hum a , turn head around together again.
"Ha ha, you these two small guys."The action that sees 2 people according to the west Er D cannoted help but smiling to shake to shake head, then slowly explanation way:"That captive says of the language is the difference boundary star language, and is a thou is old most , most nobly that kind of.We at that time and their enemy was deep sea, meet each time is that you died I lived of fight, both parties hardly caught a captive.So to that kind of the language understand not much, fee good earth energy, just unwillingly translated 1:00.But is that, but make us all make a head of fog water."
"Exactly the captive said what?You don't hold in suspense."Song in Chu sky cannot help but asking a way.He is a quick-tempered, where can be subjected to depend on west Er D generalissimo to not and tightly and not and slowly recount a method.
"Well, the chronic ailment of my Suo made again, ashamed, Chu's adult, underneath says importantly.
"Ashamedly smile according to the west Er D, say:"That what captive said is:'You are these mankind's rebels, one day there will, you will taste their yous to make by fermentation of consequence'."
Two small guys again sent out surprised voice.However although is similarly surprised, Sa thin Luo Si is the meaning that doesn't understand this sentence and how call the mankind's rebel?Who is what to say ?Three eye clans?But song in the mind in Chu sky well explode general!
The mankind's rebel?!
Is this sentence what mean?Song in Chu sky feels almost exploding of the heart beating,says, do three eye clans have relation with mankind?
"Teacher, did that captive say this words?Exactly and what mean?"Sa thin Luo Si doesn't understand of ask a way.
"Not, the back says besides a lot, however we can not translate.And his condition of the injury was very heavy, saw not to go at that time, the then magic trick could have no so flourishing now, curing the Shu hasn't appeared.So although we really want to cure good he, then the set took more intelligence report, but failed.That person probably knows he or she is quick, so is continuously the language using a star lambastes us, although don't understand all meaning, 'rebel', 'betrayer, 'puppet', 'connect the placard Be virtuous to move to reach'……this is also one can not translation ground star language ……this a few phrase languages but multifarious emergence, probably is an abusive language.Afterwards he scolds to scold and probably lose blood excessive, the spirit becomes unsteady and suddenly sings to have song."Immediately after say according to the west Er D generalissimo.
"Sing?"Sa thin Luo Si is curious about that the baby similarly asks a way:"What song?"
Song in Chu sky but have never cared a captive to sing this matter, all of his in the mind drive adjective in"connect a placard virtuous move to reach" to occupy.This phrase can not translate, so depending on the west Er D the generalissimo is to follow star language of euphonic say.Although is weird according to the accent of the west Er D generalissimo, the tone didn't also have confidence quasi-, but song in Chu sky listenned to understand, that was a Chinese language!Is a common speech!
The henchman of federal!
Paralyze of, ……
Song in Chu sky feels in the moment a burst of that delivering was black, really didn't dare to keep on thinking.
"That person uses star language to sing of, our translation was not.However that melody is very beautiful, magnificent but Related articles:

