
Beats Detox the government Wei

The bottom is stronger than them how much, these several days of game finishes seeing oneself should the in the mind have been already counted ……
On seeing today, the book unexpectedly ascended placard.My thinking don't hope of a matter , under everyone's support, unexpectedly tooked place miracle!Now say again many of thank for words also useless, only receive a code word.Although the point of departure has a words:
"Ten thousand methods all break, don't break only and quickly", but I think to still have 1:"The stability excels all the rest."Only stability continuously of the renewal can win the approbation of everyone to me.Certainly also want to make details fascinating while guaranteeing both quality and quantity, this I have already just notice in effort ……
Chapter 123 compares a martial big match
The two days piece aided a dynasty to exclusively send major to accompany Zhu Si, it watches a game.!
Zhu Si after arriving at the living room discover him, the waist stands straightly, the double puts on the leg behind, the age is about 30, and the eyes aren't evil to see ground to sit over there.
The step voice heard Zhu Si, he stands up right away and respects a gift to Zhu Si.
"How are you, I make enjoy success and receive Zhang Fu commander designation to come to accompany you to watch a ratio martial big match."Enjoys success a way.
"Thanks, I call farmland can."This is most late Zhu Si with piece aid a dynasty the company measure of temporary name.
"Can now walk?"Yang De Sheng asks a way.
Because Zhu Si its oneself has a car, the piece aids a dynasty have no again parties to to him, be just at his the file breeze glass slice stick piece special pass before the car, can freely come in and go out for this period of time everywhere troops to halt ground and watch a game by convenience.
Zhu Si is about to drive, enjoys success right away a way:
"Or I come to open, I acquaint with 1:00 here, you can also see more the circumstance of our troops."
Zhu Si doesn't know as well piece's aiding a dynasty is how to enjoy success to say with and see the appearance seem to still think that oneself is to up send down of, hand over to the car key to enjoy success, oneself sits at copilot's position.
"Where do we go now?"See the car launch, Zhu Si asks a way.
"Today is all the primary election match of regiment class, compete locations to hold in each regiment department,cheap dr dre beats, also all impossibly see, I choose to you a regiment to see?"The Yang enjoys success a way.
"All right" Zhu Si knows that the primary election match also has no too many head of seeings, truely having a competition should be in the finals.
Regiment department location is in the suburb, the doorway stands guard of the warrior saw the special pass of car don't also request to park the car a check again, but directly let go.Let Zhu Si feel this very thin paper power.
The primary election match holds in the big drill ground of regiment department and took one simple grandstand, up put a line of seats.Enjoys success to take Zhu Si and then walks toward that grandstand.
"Staff officer, today what breeze blow you come, peacetime but please can not please!"The grandstand sits in seat of honor a colonel and sees enjoying success to come, walking to him right away and saying with smile.
"Today isn't that did you start preliminary contest in regiment?I took an individual to come over and see, this was a farmland can comrade."And then Zhu Si's its teachings:"This is us teacher He He the well-known fierce tiger is round and round long:Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Xing 's colonel."
"How are you, chief Lin, come over to bother today."Zhu Si's its teachings.
"Where, where, were we still stained with the person's light and invite big staff officer of Yang at ordinary times the regiment visit point out to us is also can not invite, unexpectedly accompanied you to come today, don't say of, we drink one cup well at noon."The very straightforward tunnel of Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Xing .
Zhu Si but know in the troops to drink that is drink all of a stomach issue of bloods are often matters, in the special forces once experience, oneself drinks not to go, right away way:
"I drink not to go, don't infuse me by that time, otherwise I only run" sees your appearance be can drink of, Be free, affirmation can't let what you pour by that time.I introduce my government Wei for you."
A colonel walked to come over on the side."The government Wei that is our regiment:The Wei sets up lately."Set up a new way to the Wei again:"This is the farmland can comrade."
2 people again is talk about the weather a burst of after, everyone just sat to the grandstand.In addition to the chief government outsourcing sees an other still have a few lieutenant colonels and major and listen to chief Lin introduce to know that is pair chief and pair the government Wei still has underneath a few battalion commanders of camps.
What to carry on is 400 meters obstacle first.Zhu Si sees real to come to compete of only 30th, warrior, listen to chief Lin introduce just and know originally them at connect the brigade have already carried on elimination series, each connect select 2-3 warriors to carry on the preliminary contest in the regiment.
400 meters obstacle is 2 people to carry on at the same time each time, all of the owner finish competing need not an hour also, Zhu Si sees them an artistic skill nimble and act main theme very good enough, although still have no Lee at first at that time so of had an art to appreciate sex, but also very quite good.
See an item game finish, Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Xing says with smile to Zhu Si:
"How?Can also!"Showing in the words is very satisfied to own under charge performance.
"It is quite good."Zhu Si freely way.
Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Xing doesn't know Zhu Si as well, he/she doesn't understand a military and hear him just say quite good and don't a little bit seem to disagree, own just of that is greatly happy that the strength had no right away and towarded to drink a way in the field:
"Carry on the game of next item right away."
Zhu Si hears take a point in his tone wrath, know oneself just of the words may harm him, but oneself just compared towards being chasing them and own military instructor Lee being at first, didn't think more as well blurt out, the thoughting of stayed a mind's eye for oneself here, next game might be careful by himself/herself.
Two items fight shot.In the troops of fight shot ignore you use what way what means what recruit type as long as knocking down the opponent all right and knock down the other party three times or directly hit the opponent out of the estrade in a row even if win.
Is present medium simultaneously took four platforms, four sets of contestants carried on a game at the same time.
This bottom Zhu Si a little bit see just with eyes however come, had to know feeling to also let out, like this seem oneself in the sky look down a field in similar, all corners can know understand by himself/herself.
Although the person, who have a competition, is a lot of, overwhelming majority the person use of is still a for use by the military to arrest a hand, after all this
Is very practical effective,Beats Detox, even if the past of someone will several shelves that recruit to can't put those, either a flower, so will stay more opportunities to the opponent.
Zhu Si also finally experienced the master elder brother changes of the for use by the military arrest a hand.
Compare oneself learn in the special forces of, although is really different, there is the shadow that the little wood arrests in a lot of places, if two people of kitchen kind real strenght, an use original for use by the military arrests a hand, an use gets stripe a version to arrest a hand, should get stripe a version may a stroke above, also just good little just, also no wonder that this set of place troops of master elder brother that arrest a hand to still have no run off, probably real of reason right here.
After all change the system and reform also is to need the risky, no one will literally take his/her own future prospects and destiny to push this matter also and become not with all strength how strange certainly also the fighting skill some people learn before suddenly willing also use he or she under the circumstance, can come by the other party like this a suddenly assault, the opponent can not cope with from such as.Especially even can develop an important function in the turning point.Zhu Si sees a person suddenly use gossip Zhang, the opponent is impossible to effectively guard against, and one Zhang keeps on coming off stage his shot.
Although this game is 4 sets to carry on at the same time, cost of time still want to compare 400 meters obstacle to have to be long.Say a honest words, although have a liking for go to very fascinating, at Zhu Si see come is that the loophole is 100, certainly, being their to make moves of most Zhu Si sees to act very slowly, so oneself invisibly can choose of return a shot method to have a lot of.
But body like this good, should calculate in the troops up is a good hand.
See chief Lin see to himself or herself, Zhu Si its Heng doesn't want to give offense to him because of matter like this and packs an air, indeed as expected that absolute being goes toward right away, Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Xing a see Zhu Si of appearance,Artist Series, right away ha ha say with smile:
"Their artistic skill also generally just, the special kind governed by teacher department big brigade that just calls a superior, when the time comes you can a chance to enjoy seeing."
"Have already been getting more fierce, unexpectedly still have than their more severe of, be definitely good friends with by that time good-looking see."Zhu Si's its teachings.
"The this morning still has a gunning game and leave of will till afternoon.Because some people still took part in several games, for making them resume physical strength, fair competition, 20 kilometers are negative heavy cross-country will start at 3:00 p.m.."Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Xing 's way.
A little bit let the warriors take a rest for a while, start right away Related articles:

