
Beats Solo HD d see he is also a h

Besides again go toward don't get a place to escape to also fail to catch the speed of pushing forward of Japanese, beat some odd jabs in Japanese's under charge probably can also force to fill satisfied belly.
A broken-down courtyard inside the city, the robust old Huai tree stretches Ya, thickly the branches and leaves starts to hide one tree shade under the tree and knew to still have one to have no one to send out to irritating to the early blare to call.
Sudden unauthorized biography in the hospital door however anxiously knock on door a voice.
"Teacher Gao!~Teacher Gao open the door quickly."
"Who?!"Hall in the hospital is suddenly a burst of to loudly move in house, a man's ground deep and low voice rings out.
"Is me, old Luo, open the door quickly."
"Come to come!~"
Come out a middle age man that the Jing loses inside the hall house, urgently and in a hurry go straight to a hospital door fiercely be outside standing on drawing back, on seeing a person of carter's shape, still stop a manpower rickshaw on the side.
"Is quick into in hospital!~" Call teacher Gao of the middle age man stretch the head looked about several eyes to or so outside in the hospital door, the carter who hurriedly pulled to knock on door came in and conveniently pull rickshaw also come in, quickly close a hospital door.
2 people entered a hall house together and made teacher Gao's middle age man hurriedly carry bowl water for this carter and also took one small bowl of.
That surname Luo's carter by hand last sheep white belly sweat from put on sweat, a spirit drank to the utmost water in the bowl, the weather is still in August hot must desperately, when his vision moves toward middle age man a hand inside small bowl of, his eyes immediately moved not to open nest, golden of the millet noodles blend the nest head of oak son noodles and send forth fatal of temptation.
Could not help swallowing an one mouthful saliva, Xing Luo's carter is strong to beat to make he or she of the burning desire for food of belly inside, a face is ashamedly really a smiling face way:"Teacher Gao, this isn't that all right, I know your home isn't lenient, the virgin that still gives you the house eats."
The Japan's Imperial Army keep a war by war for robbing to have various resources, the civil common people ground surplus grain is also searched to pare off remain only a few, difficult have a few nests of head at that time already be regarded as Mi foot Be getting more precious.
"Is all people of the same group, also polite what, eat, my home still remains some." Call teacher Gao of the muscle of middle age man face was still to take out a to take out, in fact he knows it in heart, at present food that is finally already a home to be regarded as a serious food at 1:00, but home leaves a little bran thick bran.
"That, I true get Don't mention it."Xing Luo's carter as eating voraciously once the nest head of small bowl of inside sweep and get empty and see he is also a hungry hungry bowel Lu Lu, only the cuisine from the face explains in normal times in live malnutrition, there is a meal day with no one meal.
"Old Luo, other comrades news how,Artist Series, is a stem or not dry?How many persons would like to follow stem?" Call teacher Gao of the middle age man suddenly touch on paying black bright pistol, lightly put a table at the little square up.

Section 82
"Old Cao, just just, prosperous and school of how many teachers would liked to do, wait a words of teacher Gao, there is also the comrade of party organization in the devil jail makes internal help, as long as settle good time, we can give° the comrades extrication to come to gun?Where did you come?"Xing Luo's carter put on a mouth to stop short down and could not stare blankly, then suddenly felt a bit not satisfactory and to house looked about several eyes, freely way:"You virgin barn swallow, she always likes to embrace my leg to shout my four uncles at ordinary times, and person, last where have fun go to, don't ascend an outside to have fun go to, carefully be seen by the devil."Suddenly hope to see positive one face pale and take tear stain ground tall madam just from inside the house come out.
"Zha ground?!"Xing Luo's carter twists a head to see toward teacher Gao, but sees his dangerous spot grip, the joints kneads ground to keep delivering white, the body can not repress of shiver.
Xing Luo's carter pressed down teacher Gao's double shoulder while signing, the horselaugh way of facial expression concussion:"How exactly, you say!What is the row~your virgin?Where did this gun come."
Don't wait teacher Gao to talk, inside the tall madam who wear to lean on a door in the house door but weep aloud, contain a coming out of unclear paste what:"… Gun … barn swallow … sell"
The ball that Xing Luo's carter was like to lose power a while is been similar soft to pour seat up, his face is similar to teacher husband and wife Gao to change of deadly pale, at present he all understand.
Teacher Gao own daughter sell, just from the other people's hand in bought a gun.
"You!~Is alas!~Is why on earth again."Xing Luo's carter heavily pounded own thigh for a while, morals of the world not help, sell son to sell the female the ground to make a living more gradually many get up, but teacher Gao for the sake of participation rescue be grasped by the devil is the comrades of jail, own kid also similar to sell, is still a words, all let that devil in dog day to harm.
"Now this morals of the world, barn swallow's allowing at interest in other people's house can also have a way out."Teacher Gao grasps to begin a gun and small and softly dauts, imitating the black bright gun body of Buddha is like the daughter's a head of black hair.
"Hum.The devil make us lead so much and wait chase the comrades extrication, take part in to visit a shot brigade to beat this together help a dog for day of go, there are these Japanese dogs in the too original city at, I am also foolish for a day not under go."Not the Fen ground of Xing Luo's carter says.
"Old Luo, you hurriedly arrange for a while and make them arrive together in the evening the prosperous house gather, we add up to act a plan for a while.Prepare to begin the day after tomorrow."The ground in the teacher Gao's eyes woe already drive emotionally wrought up of war idea act for.
Xing Luo's carter signs a horse station to take to the heels and then walk, "good!~"Words sound's just falling a person has already started to pull rickshaw in the hospital and pushed a hospital door.
Segment truly in the prison anxiously and stuffy two day, this is angry in the heart, under the heart in keep urgently, rob person Zha of prison still don't come, could it be that the courage was small to fear, don't dare to come, the Yao is intelligence report be wrong.
And segment expensive mountain's connecting a message more don't also take 1 to come over, don't even say that he came to visit.One is afraid to cause undesired agitation.The second afraid not more coincidentally at the time that he cames, the somebody else robbed jail and had already give°ed oneself's this old life to conveniently take into.
Be like for the sake of match at any time will someone come of rob jail.The devils are to relax a vigilance and originally guarded at the devil soldier in the prison a don't pull of be adjusted city to outside make a drill, inside in prison remains an inside brigade ground false soldier, and using of peacetime the Xing interrogated to all stop, originally be did for a day, monk bumps for a day, the false soldier of clock was the prison building that was more lazy to get to torment these already and be regarded as a number not much, at most free scold two,cheap beats, the felling was alllike jails all be all enlarging a leave.
Midnight the inside is truly and suddenly beating the segment of nap drive a burst of noise in the prison to wake up with a start, continuously of metal bump a shot voice to start to connect.The voice that is opened in the prison door, still at blurred will is a devil to suddenly want to make in having never returned to the segment of absolute being to truly still think what massacre at the midnight, have no how care, but see own door a ring, the door is fiercely pushed all of a sudden to open.
"What, make to shoot to death to also want to make Lao Tze in the head!~"The segment truly pushes open to confusingly sleep an eye and wants to denounce openly.
Is a very typically and the face explore into prison building, the skin has a little white, isn't a prison head.Don't seem to be just more to take care of false soldier in the jail, this person always has never seen,Beats Solo HD.
"Small brothers!~We are to visit shot brigade ground, come to quickly, leave with us."That person hurtles a segment to truly say.
Segment truly and fiercely on arousing to work properly, thoroughly wide awoke to come over, sleep idea whole mistakeses, this person who robs jail still really came, incredibly can also quietly and noiselessly touch into a devil jail, also really have the ability the person.
"!~"The segment truly sets up for very impassioned appearance, from the grass heap of ground in climb, follow that the person come out prison building, outside the building in the prison see originally have drake throat of the prison head be tie~ued to be like a Zong-zi, and other some be paid Xie of the false soldiers close in an iron prison, while many prison doors all greatly open, and have many prisoners and rob jail of stranger, there are even also severals be dressed in false soldier clothes of the person is continuing to open the remaining prison door, visiting the whole jail of appearance has already been set upside downed by the host and guest.
Rob there are a few false soldiers in the person of jail, the false soldier inside can sneak into a few spies, segment's truly pouring isn't strange at all, probably is a true spy, probably is what old headman intentionally arranges, all anyway Be not worth his worrying, as long as say according to the old man that a ground of time returns eight road soldiers and does his and acts from inside there there is opportunity making that again what arsenal works and wait Japanese to capture China Related articles:

