
cnn uely makes moves spe

Task of working properly, be that bitchy system releases of, also hesitated very much to still keep cannot helping but that B class task a large amount of temptation of reward very in a short while and finally while tooking office duty at that time, cash award be still secondly, the key was that morals value and task integral calculus, made me become an one only aa class bounty hunter all of a sudden.
Entering into inside in the labor union is still that beautiful beauty of NP c , say with smile:"What order does the guest officer have?"
I answer a way:"Seek your owner."
That beauty of NP c hesitated for a while and probably was analyzing my identity, whether the condition that can attain to see an owner, after a while, that beauty says with smile:"Since seek our owner, guest's officer's upstairs please."
I familiar road in the familiar door of walk toward upstairs, sword Ning eyebrow but be blocked, that NP c is well-mannered of say:"The guest officer temporarily can not see our owner and also please to wait for here."
The sword Ning eyebrow hesitated a short while, I said with smile:"Be free of, I come right away."
Is last the second floor, in a house, a see just to daze over there of owner, call a way:"Yellow owner, I came."
That owner's turning a head to see is me and say with smile:"Is you, want to connect what task?"
I shake head a way:"Is there being assassinating to flow cloud Ge to help many tasks recently what you release?"
That owner nods to say:"Yes."
I pondered in a short while and asked a way:"Can know how much detail this task releases a person with my legal power?"
The yellow owner says with smile:"Can know to release time and completion progress."
I sighed tone, know is so, oneself comes over this time and also just entertains some hope, now seem indeed as expected is so, to Huang the owner say:"Thank, I walked first,Facebook."
Just turned round, the yellow owner called lived me, say:"Take office a duty this time of and also have another a class the assassin."
I quickly change countenance, another a class assassin?Originally, in addition to me, also also hurtles to the a class for someone's this period of time?
I the Hey Hey smiled and embraced a boxing way:"Yellow owner thanked."
Take sword Ning the eyebrow return to halt ground and then see businessman and Chen Xuan Feng stand on the doorway and walk to the near front, the businessman opens mouth a way:"Just someone directly the sneak attack halted ground, was killed by all of Chen Xuan Feng's elder generations,google."
I turn a head to looking at Chen Xuan Feng, Chen Xuan Feng slowly nods a way:"Is quite good, nine people, very weak."
Play trick, the player in nowadays is in front of you, which isn't very weak, I ask a way:"What about fighting skill method?"
Chen Xuan Feng silently a long time, say:"Is very miscellaneous, mountains in Hua Mountain, Wu Dang, little wood and Heng all have."
I lightly on sighing, shake head a way:"Forget it."
BE halting to wait two days in ground, but is an all is calm, pour to let to flow cloud Ge player a bit impatient, flow cloud Ge mostly is all female kid of past spirit alliance, basically nothing important patience, a few player with higher classes quarrel loudly and go out to do class, the businessman turns a head to looking at me, and I nod a way:"You set the brigade go to, careful on the road."
Once those players coaxed to go out, I facing Chen Xuan Feng see go, Chen Xuan Feng nods a way:"Younger brother Shi stops worrying."
The color of the sky is gradually dark to come down, rain have light drizzle, severals flow cloud Ge player to do class to order to beat to agree the Dan person's type in pass in the wild goose door strange, beat very in a short while, the beautiful direction of wind floated zero to feel feel chill on the body, as to it's he a few sisters say:"Having a little is cold, and you?"
A few female kids all shake, one is long of have a little small handsomely protect to spend emissary to say with smile:"Floating zero bodies is weak, nature can not with us compare, not, I accompany you first return to."
Moreover a rain that female kid sees to gradually and greatly get up says:"Rain rains heavy, the sight is subjected to a limit and all return to together, not, change a place to ten thousand Anne the temple beat Mongolia infantry to go?"
The direction of wind floats zero to nod to promise, suddenly one is inside cold to arrive voice Be light to say:"To go all right all leave one class."
A few players immediately take side and become circle appearance, the nervous guard wears on all sides and slowly walks to the black dress person of a body form very thin in rain and receives mask and bares two naked and flickering eyes, direction of wind's floating zero can not help beating cold war, hold the hands of lance all a bit unsteady.
That protects to spend emissary to call a way:"What person are you ?We so many people,cnn, also fear your 1?"Voice but seem to be a color fierce inside Chi.
That black dress person is cold to hum a , body in a flash, already the deceit is near that protects to spend emissary in front, right hand one handle lance,such as snake, explores out, the lightning flash sort stabs, and that protects to spend emissary but even could not does reaction actions, helplessly looking at a lance sting toward own between the eyebrows.
A few female kids all exclaim, the sudden silver light is one Shan in the dark night, that black dress person breaks away a disease to back two, one handle is small to smallly fly knife have already nailed on the ground.
The black dress person becomes overdo and opens mouth a cold way:"Who would have thought that flow cloud Ge still have a superior don't appear publicly?"
I slowly turn and say with smile:"Make a special trip to rush through back to beg for to teach 12 with you yes."
The black dress person is cold to hum a , way:"BE?Suggest you leads the way a person in the hell there good thinking for a while why will pass by a so quick problem."
Step motionless, lance tiny tiny one Zhan, have already offended three recruit six types.
I once the Hey Hey smile, bayonet before body on rowing, will those three recruit six types to toghter concuss to open.
That black dress person is a bit surprising, once the lance turn, such as violent storm hurricane the general disease stab, I nod a way:"The speed is quite good, no wonder that flow a few high classes of cloud Ge don't the player arrive to can not hold up against your quick sword."Hand but don't stop, be be connect ring, the other party sword power the whole amount seal.
That black dress person's lance stabs one of recruit, jumping backward again and suddenly says with smile:" First assassin, raving fury pond cold maple?"
I nod a way:"Wait you for a long time."
That the black dress peep out a fanatical look in the eyes in the person's eyes and say with smile:"Is also good, two only a class bounty hunter, at the right moment come everywhere who stronger."
I smile a way:"It is having this idea."
Rain more rain more heavy, 2 people face to face stand, but an on every occasion, although the rain water in the game can beat wet dress Shan,can't result in any influence on body, unique inconvenient was a visual field to consumedly lower, however 2 people stand the nearestly and have no how much influence.
Dang of a , the black dress person compete first made moves, the sword point trembled 3:00 of plum flower cold star, cent inherit my top half three big caves, a dark great in my heart, just this guy still kept staying a hand, now is that he truely makes moves speed.
At that moment not dare neglect, start would be fall a killing of English sword method recruit "river's city flies a flower", jump empty in the half, such as Cang eagle the shot in sort, that black dress person see on all sides be all sealed by my bayonet, have to backward jump open, I just a fall to the ground, once the bayonet turned and changed recruit for"long the day of Hong Guan", matched a body rush toward up.
The military has cloud:One inch is long, one inch is strong;One inch is short, one inch insurance, that bayonet is long however one the Chinese foot is 2 inches, near get body come, recruit all is enter hand move, really nearly arrived pole place.Sting, Liao, pick, sweep, force that black dress person fluster, don't stop countermarch, want to draw back distance, I tightly keep up with, this guy doesn't can know what fortuitous, unexpectedly speed scarcely at I under.
Feel to seem the action that someone comes over, in my heart a tight, can not entwine again, deeply absorbed an one breath, inside the dint activated sunflower treasure Dian and made moves the speed abruptly speed, that black dress person frighteneds, have never thought I like this the circumstance still don't make an effort and unwillingly resist several recruit, listens to Ding of a ring, I have already lightly jumped to open.
Is tiny tiny on sighing, way:"Your speed, have already exceeded me 55 classes of time, if isn't that my Class is much taller than your , only afraid the victory or defeat still don't know today, you actually is who, can tell?"
That person lowers the head the blood of seeing the chest run off and slowly says:"Defeated troops will, don't lift let it be."
I sigh a way:"You leave, you now although already enough quick, not just my opponent."
That person is still emotionless to say:"You don't kill me, in the future I as usual can't Related articles:

