
Beats Detox but they halt the

Ridge ,attacked the ocean state . , relationresultYang Yan listened to ,to breathe a sigh of relief ,appears to attack Sichuan Golden Army and the Western Xia Bing is not much .Said: then how we were ? , relationresultZhou Hong Ming : now I song You Xing Royal garrison defending the State Secretary ,Yang EC assigned seven thousand horses in Shou stone ,eight thousand horses in Lanzhou Shou ,and sent five thousand troops to defend Lintong ,three thousand men hold Tao state of iron into the fort ,to prevent the Jin army attack on the flank .
The other royal garrison by Xing Yuan palace division defending golden army .But the end will not Xing Yuan Palace Royal garrison division one, so don how the distribution of forces were deployed .
, relationresultYang Yan listened to he said ,while looking at the map corresponding to locations ,asked: is it right? That promotes a state line forces too thin a bit, keep the stone and Lanzhou ? , relationresultZhou Hong Ming : we in occupied various dangerous place ,temporarily will not have problems .
But with the strength of fifty thousand men ,only have ,obviously not an all-out assault big song .If the strengthened the attack .I stone and Lanzhou is dangerous . , relationresultYang Yan hesitated for a moment ,and asked: Jinzhou Royal garrison garrison division ?What are they doing? Their zone should have no war ? , relationresultZhou Hong Ming : now Jinzhou Royal garrison garrison division of the zone of no war ,but they halt the troops and wait ,still stationed in situ .
, relationresultYang Yan nodded ,if according to Zhou Hongming, there was a problem .Morning he put the Sichuan troop information ,as well as Wang Yan and Wu Xi qualifications all through it again ,and from two the qualifications of the individual perspective ,is Sichuan area important officials .
relationresultWang Yan ,the word Gongming ,state of Anyang ,young tour Mount Lu Donglin ,diligence, just name .King of the road that poem praising it: if you really the only industry ,the article as worthy of political biography .
The lanes dry year (1165) ,two in transport Deputy make .Dry Lane in May two ,Ling government ,in November, to the Ministry of repair for ,in addition to Mige xiuzhuan .Dry Lane in February three ,to try to force Shang Shuci to the same end ,in addition to Ming Temple in Ba ,a book signing of the Privy Council ;in May the same year ,in addition to ��֪����,and co-founded the Privy Council ;and replaced Yu Yunwen as the Sichuan Xuan Fu ,can be promoted soon .
Sichuan ,Wang Yan in Sichuan side building drains ,intensify product millet training ,a form of Yi-sheng army that two local troops .And for a pommel horse ,repair the forts ,Le Chuyoshi to the northwest and border active ,resist the industry have done a very fruitful achievements .
relationresultThe rise ofWu Xi Road and Yang Yan, also in the dry channel three years (1167 ) the great song of northern expedition .When Wu Xi father Xing Yuan Palace Royal garrison command, Jiang Jun Jiedushi Wu Ting by Sichuan Xuan Fu Yu Yunwen sent ,sent troops to attack Wu Xi for free ,father ,fight brave, Li repeated military exploits ,even following the capture of Qinzhou ,Gong state ,Longde state ,Fengxiang, the northern expedition ,promoted to protect army the sun makes .
Just when Wu Ting was to resign, Wu Xi Ren Xing Yuan Palace by the Royal garrison command .And in the gold Junnan syndrome after beginning ,hyojong to morale ,and sealed Wu Xi Lee state west to appease and Sichuan Xuan Fu made .
relationresultNow three Royal in Sichuan army to Xing Yuan palace ,Royal garrison division strength of the most abundant ,a total of sixty thousand troops ,all control is Wu Xi .Hing ,Royal garrison troops Division has twenty-seven thousand people ,all control is Yang Zhaoguang .
Jinzhou Royal garrison troops before the division twelve thousand people ,all control is the Wang yan .So now Sichuan to force weaker Hing state Royal garrison division to defend force much of Western Xia, but also a part of the people against the Jin army flank attacks from the malay .
But with the strength of strong Xing Yuan Palace Royal garrison troops division to defend less Jin ,how to look also is not a reasonable layout of the troops .relationresultAlthough it can also be said to be divided by geographical zone defense ,so no war pressure Jinzhou Royal garrison division completely should take part in to support troops ,shortage of troops and royal Garrison State division .
The Jin forces accounted for the absolute superiority of the Royal garrison Xing Yuan palace division would not be so passive defense ,but should take the initiative to attack ,attack on the golden Juncai .
While a Sichuan Xuan Fu so that Wang Yan could not know Xing Yuan Palace Royal garrison division of the force distribution ,from this perspective ,Sichuan does have a big ask .relationresultYang Yan thought ,and asked: Jinzhou Royal garrison Division will control how Wang Yan died ,and Hei Wong was how as the Jinzhou Royal garrison division are controlled ? , relationresultZhou Hong Ming : it is more than a month ago, Wang Xuanfu was Hing state arrangement to defend the matters ,Jinzhou suddenly to document ,said Wang system has violent death .
While in Xing Yuan palace Wu are immediately sent Hei Wong led ten thousand troops will go to Jinzhou, said only temporarily agents such as control ,the court reported later, again by the court to make a decision .
But had never heard Wang Doutong in the end is what disease ?What is death ?We are not clear ,but since then ,no Jinzhou news .So Wang Xuanfu and Yang Doutong were suspected ,and the death of King EC EC probably related to wu .
, wonderful unlimited http://Www.HOTSK.Com/ , relationresultFour 6 Sichuan drama , relationresultYang Yan asked again : Hong Ming ,Sichuan income supplies are stored in there, three Royal garrison division store how much money ? , relationresultZhou Hong Ming : three Royal garrison division of natural storage a lot of money ,but only a small part of Sichuan ,most money supplies are gathered in Chengdu office .
But now the Chengdu palace in Wu Xi control .And Xing Yuan house most of the families of those in Chengdu office . , relationresultYang Yandao : you know ,Wu EC usually live in Chengdu government or Xing Yuan palace .
Chengdu government Garrison and how many people ? , relationresultZhou Hong Ming : the people unto the adults ,according to the end will know, Wu are unified to all live in Xing Yuan palace ,but sometimes back to Chengdu Office live .
But he Chengdu palace is from the family ,brother Wu comestible garrison ,garrison in fifteen thousand . , relationresultYang Yan nodded again ,thought for a moment ,before saying : Hong Ming ,you go ,there is nothing that I call you .
, relationresultZhou Hongming say ,immediately rose to leave .relationresultAfter he had gone ,Yang Yan was lost in thought ,from the heart, although Yang Yan respected Yue Fei ,but the Shaoxing years several other anti Gold Star :Han Shizhong ,Liu Qi and the Wu brothers ,are very much admire .
Joint and several of their descendants ,such as Han Yanzhi ,cheap dr dre beats,Yue Lin ,Beats Solo HD,Wu arch are more respect ,is not willing to see against Jin descendants ,there will be people in danger when you betray the great song song .
But from at present their own understanding of these signs ,Wang Yan ,Yang Zhaoguang and Zhou Hongming had to say, and unlike is a lie ,because these things too easy to be exposed .Wu Xi intends to betray the song was becoming more apparent .
relationresultAlthough it is still not entirely sure ,Wu Xi intended the song ,but could not prevent .Building a three generation are stationed in Sichuan ,can say the ingrained influence throughout ,central ,and from what Zhou Hongming said ,Beats Detox,Sichuan three Royal in the army ,by two in the hands of the hands of Wu Xi ,but Wu Xizhen ,certainly will is ready to fully, a hundred responses to a hundreds .
This time his Sichuan trip will be full of dangers ,slightly not Jin Shen ,can not only stable ,even afraid of their own are buried in sichuan .relationresultYang Yan is certainly not afraid of death ,but he just died ,they never reconciled .
Especially know he is about a father ,Yang Yan more than even their own unborn ,also knowing is male is female children are not seen, so not clear of the dead in the song of civil strife .
And although this time in Sichuan trip is fraught with danger ,but never had a chance .relationresultWhen Han Dingyuan designate ban Chao ,for breaking up, the right arm ,with only a thirty-six ride ,can further west ,in the group of more than 20 years between countries ,and in thirty-six ,orders to western countries ,since the date of the entry ,or to the size of the offering ,Showtime ,incessant .
relationresultThis time since Si Chuan in the line ,how will not be more than the situation that ban Chao more difficult .But the song after all not to be deserted by one ,rebellion is Related articles:

