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, mention ,her anxious also slightly subsided .relationresultThe distantsound of the guns and the like is approaching ,looks like the camp guard will be defensive retreat ,command began to shift ,radio class people are folded antenna .
relationresultAfirearm sound let Wang Bao heart irritability a stirring among the dry bones ,said: ,that I could not rest assured ,I still have to go back to look at . He will be in the hands of the battle plan to tear into pieces .
relationresultJapanese troops back ,can be inconvenient ,or I arrange a row to escort you back to . Political commissar Wang Bao like burning with impatience to see the king ,did not intend to stop him ,Wang Bao also is such ,once had decided the matter ,eighteen donkeys are not pull back .
relationresultWang Bao quicklyshook his head : now the headquarters to deal with the enemy ,how to draw people out ,I a person dressed as civilians careful is, Japanese general not also with an ordinary common people seriously than ,say, a dazzling, but then closed .
, relationresultThat The road should be careful !If not ,or back !Do not force ! The king looked at myself and the nephew, sighed ,former Red kids grow up ,have their own team, looked at Wang Bao a father watching his children .
relationresultWang Bao did notcontinue with the headquarters shifted together ,in the division headquarters move ,he disguise oneself one time, so a carbine and two small melon grenades ,the Japanese and puppet troops before the arrival of the fire main approximation ,alone to find returns twelve division road .
relationresultOno Jiro Renqiu countywith more than 3000 Japanese troops after a week of turtle speed crawling ,divided into two forces approaching the town of Shijing, a more than 1000 people puppet mixed brigade has and twelve teams the outer defense line had contact ,constantly students were a minor engagement ,the Japanese and puppet mixed brigade unusually careful ,not to rush, but use nibble tactics ,while waiting for Ono Jio to advance by meters ,the main force .
relationresultWhileOno Jio two brigade troops ,no longer just outside Renqiu County down ,borrowed eight armored vehicles ,a sexual attack by militia was hit and two vehicles ,and later by twelve teams of large missile directly knocked out a ,the remaining five cars ,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online,because of being a rocket attack camp later, lack of fuel ,barely three car to Shijing town reserves in combat ,only less than two hundred of the way ,Ono Jio would have a direct loss of three squadron in the battle .
relationresultSeee.g. layer-by-layer position generally in the town of Shijing ,Ono Jio spearhead even after reaching destination relax mind too ,twelve teams had been waiting for a long time ,Shijing will be outside the town of all the land after a correction ,create an easily defensible terrain area ,Li Weizao will give Ono Jiro ready to play .
relationresultDong��relationresultA piece ofice dancing ,to show on the frozen soil hole ,that is the Japanese puppet army type nine five infantry gun in demonstrations .relationresultLi Weizhan wasthe enemy fire beyond the enemy from observing small forces on the thermal distribution in Shijing Town ,he sniffs wind sent smoke flavor ,the body can trembling ,epinephrine secretion accelerating ,hand unconsciously grasped behind the fighting stab shank ,the first time he clearly felt belongs to the battlefield ,where his home ,fighting is his life ,but he did not move ,body pressure command the battle the burden, the team of soldiers to their trust in life as the price for delivery to himself ,he did not have the slightest effect ,Li Wei knows ,twelve division team pole need to experience a high intensity of fighting ,only in this battle to grow ,twelve division team to face the future can only use one word to describe the surge high and sweep forward the massive battle ,war ,battle of Chen-pao Island ,battle of China and India ,the more self-defense war .
relationresultOnly a trulygrow up ,in the future can only the strong survive terrible war survived ,but Li Wei can put these to tell anyone else ,the destiny makes the person, can history ,let Li Wei have a deep sense of powerlessness .
relationresultPerhaps,not through wind and rain ,will not see the real rainbow !relationresultDirectingsignificance would want to be on a programmer ,the previously compiled all of the instructions, and combat is inspection program compiler ,combat plans have been identified ,the combatants are in place ,the next action was launched ,the life and death struggle ,will become more testing Li Wei commanding capability of touchstone .
relationresultLi Wei is nowthe only can do ,is to visit the site witnessed the fight from start to finish .relationresultThe 429th Festival , relationresultLike playingsnare general fire ,playing in the position up clouds of ice and dirt in the rear gun positions ,the Japanese and puppet troops under cover ,almost a squadron of Japanese troops from Shijing to the north-west of the town of animal attack .
relationresultUnlikethe first World War ,is on like a swarm of bees of the huddle shock formation ,whether through modern tactical training of Japanese and puppet troops ,in order to survive the basic combat skills ,almost every soldier in training are not careless ,more than 100 puppet army took the line of scrimmage ,as low as possible body on the ice ,creeping forward, using terrain to avoid being seen propulsion .
relationresultResponsible for thetown of Shijing west area the four positions ,most of the soldiers are still flutter in the trenches, observing the enemy and an exploratory attack ,although the exploratory nature ,if a careless, is likely to evolve into a formal large-scale attack ,Japanese is like a spot prey wolf ,tour looking for prey weakness ,servo motor a fatal blow .
relationresultOno Jiowas the commander of the proud as Lucifer ,his timid personality made him unusually cautious style ,this led three battalion troops against Twelve teams to twelve division team ,also is him cornered, twelve division team to blow up train antiaircraft action is too great, even implicated several Japanese officer laparotomy apology ,if Ono Jiro can act ,even his superiors in Shijiazhuang headquarters will not let him go, wash the stomach with a knife in the belly cross people have more of a Ono Jiro .
relationresultSix hundred meters!relationresultFive hundred meters!The enemy had entered Dong Chongfeng effective range .relationresultFour hundred meters!The enemy into a firing range, the twelve division soldiers began targeting ,Voice reported their target .
relationresult?!�� , relationresultPositiona gunshot ,depress the body forward between the Japanese and puppet troops ,a Japanese soldier forehead was torn fly half block ,red and white thing to gush out dead ,cheap beats by dre,lying on the snow .
relationresultAlmostall the Japanese and puppet troops soldiers body and a hysteresis ,quickly fell to the ground .relationresultFourmarksman began to battlefield target pre clearance ,and most of the soldiers didn move .
They received the order is less than one hundred meters ,can shoot .relationresultAnd now,is the company the marksman volatile when,http://www.4udrdrebeatscheap.com, from the whole to scattered after each ,are no longer limited to the targeted task ,class units battlefield adaptability has been improved a lot ,almost all rounder ,far in the last bayonet ,a presentable .
relationresultFourmarksman neither fast nor slow open gun ,almost every bullet that can knock an enemy ,there seems to be some cannot endure sniper efficient reap the puppet army life ,in the captain with buck, calling up the assault ,at the same time ,the Japanese position direction ,was performed at another the squadron also end with the moving charge .
relationresultLooks like theJapanese hit is the echelon assault tactics ,want from constantly attack .Looking for four defensive positions flaw, and then to break .relationresultGive me a call ! Four deputy commander Ding Hong seen in the more than 100 Japanese troops stormed into the one hundred meter range, shouting ,the hands of the rifle to fire . Related articles:

