
Monster Beats neer at to Zhang Hai

"Know why do I want to here?If isn't Vivian to come, I am how can free to come to manage you!Money calculates what, I now have nothing at all, I early went ahead regardless."Say point of a knife on arriving a river's proper neck of Xin Bo, the Hey Hey hideous smile way:"You think what you livinged is beautiful, can literally humiliate me is be not!"
The river proper Xin eats a pain under, the facial expression deadly pale is matchless, knows only a Re way:"My true have nothing at all says being true!"
The situation has been very urgent and see beard Jyong this crazy dog become mad of shape, is not likely to have again what company measure of leeway, deeply shout an one breath in my heart, the hand has already stretched toward the waist and touched a top the pikestaff of pistol.This gun is me after killing Lu Bin, give to find out in his room of, in his room, in addition to this I make the pistol of the name don't moreover also have a haven't assembled to well attack by surprise a gun, I have already handed over to exceed a gram of whereabouts to manage.
The business of this handle knob gun, I return who have never told as well, I don't know why to suddenly have greedy thought as well by myself.Feels a gun in the hand at that time, probably in the future when use to get also don't know, after all from received a soldier hand over to treat me to kill off Lu Bin that a moment start, I already affirm ground know, receiving the soldier is the person of real tiger wolf, at his nearby, I must have the ability of self-preservation.
My body also slowly walks toward the crowd deep place to, slowly closed to beard Jyong.
As long as he can give me an opportunity, as long as his point of a knife can leave proper Xin of river of Bo neck even if 5 cm, I will a shot to death this crazy dog.Even if letting to receive the business that the soldier steals to take this gun to me is be suspicious, I also at neglect.
No matter how it is say, river proper Xin I must save.
However my taste, suddenly stopped all of a sudden, saw Zhang Hai Cheng not to know when, also suddenly appear at opposite crowd most front, the good elephant has to also have what action.
This situation makes me am stunned speechless, if I is on shooting to go out, even if can save river proper Xin, but the result is very serious, the police there wants vexed don't say for a long time, show off so, Zhang Hai Cheng even if remember again misty, also affirmation will recognize I of.This is also a terrible matchless final outcome to me.
I how should do just good?

122 knives

"Kill a woman!Feared?!"Beard Jyong one face is evil to permit, grasp to pull a river all alone of the meek long hair of proper Xin, arrive her with the malicious life of knife all alone that white delicate Bo neck skin.River proper Xin one face is frightened, delicate and touching.
All persons who round a view are to hold breath, sees beard Jyong a face up of the improbities facial expression is more and more terrible, present a kind of metal gray color that lets good repute but heart fear to.
However I basically have no the variety in the attention field again, I all of vision, all concentration at Zhang Hai Cheng's body up, sees him sudden noodles up start to be suffused with a strange smile, sounded out sex ground to go straight up several steps.The vision of owner was for a while attracted to this action.Who don't know what the handsome man of this unfamiliar wants to do as well?
"Do you want to do what?Give me the aroint thee!"The beard Jyong noticed Zhang Hai Cheng to walk to come forward, taste a bad, fierce out and away the Nu stare at Zhang Hai Cheng.
Zhang Hai Cheng sneers at a , the hands are a , way:"I what don't see as well, just want to invite you to release her!"This words are a , all of owners is a surprised, connecting to receive soldier and river Zhong Changses can not put an even matter, the have a liking for go to handsomely and like cartoon of the youth man can have what Be.
The beard Jyong Hey Hey sneers at, hand dynasty river the next Han of the proper Xin with one action, hideous smile write to Zhang Hai Cheng's way:"You give me the aroint thee!You come forward an one step again, I want you to disappoint right away!"River proper Xin teeth all frighten fight a war, a Qiao face is snow-white and matchless, it is thus clear that have much surprised fear to.Connect to receive soldier and river all of the Zhong Chang is a way as one man:"Don't , back bottom quickly!"Who all know, this beard Jyong has been crary, absolutely is say do to get.
However Zhang Hai Cheng basically take no cognizance the order of receiving 2 rivers, the step don't step back at all of meaning, the just suddenly very deep feeling ground hoped proper Xin of river one eye, this lets always awake his I also have a little oddness, what does Zhang Hai Cheng exactly want to do?How can see river proper Xin by this kind of vision?With my understand to him, I certainly know that he wants an opportunity to look for to start, and also absolutely has this real strenght, just he exactly how do, I temporarily can not guess at 1:00.
The Zhang Hai Cheng's taste good elephant don't see beard Jyong at all, just one face the deep feeling ground hope proper Xin of river, suddenly with a kind of very sad tune soft-voiced way:"This eldest brother, I don't know your body up exactly once took place what miserably matter, but, she is innocent!Please put him!"
Beard Jyong ha ha laugh wildly, way:"When it's your turn to come bothersome!You are her what person, give me the aroint thee!"
Zhang Hai Cheng lightly shook to shake head, way:"I ain't her what person, I am just her boyfriend!"This words are a , don't say to is me, owners all have surprised one to shout, I see after the crowd the face of shell son being getting greener all of a sudden.Zhang Hai Cheng's this sentence really stimulated too much.
The beard Jyong Hey ground sneers at, way:"The boyfriend is a boyfriend how again?***Give me the aroint thee!"Say to stretch hand one Ye river the long hair of the proper Xin, river proper Xin of a miserably Si, obviously the pain is painful matchless, double eye Qin is billowing hot tears.
The slightly lowly face of Zhang Hai Cheng goes, the bodies all have a little light dither and seem with a kind of strong concealed heart in of painfully sad a mood slowly way:"I don't know that you do like this because of why, but I want to ask you, if is the person of your devotion,Monster Beats, used a knife on the neck, can you go away?"This words are a , even I have to admire Zhang Hai Cheng, this is completely the performance that copies emperor class.The moment that sees his that atmosphere controls, connect me this to his inside situation the clear person come to say, also having a little to puzzle the proper Xin of river is isn't her of aforetime girl friend what of.Say nothing of other to the guest that these 2 people's a little understand has no.
The beard Jyong obviously doesn't eat this set of, in the eyes fierce light a cold, hope proper Xin sneer of river way:"Can not tell you this old woman Niang that is talkative also someone like ah, good, I help you, let you first God hall the boyfriend that wait you!"Say to begin with one action, again sting deep several cents, the blood follows knife blade if note to flow bottom, see win public support all of persons is a surprised.Even I am a hand ascend a tight, almost have stir the gun shoots of impulse.
Appear a kind of facial expression with matchless grief and indignation on the face of Zhang Hai Cheng, shout loudly one- track:"Don't !"Beard Jyong hand top just a little a loose, sneer at to Zhang Hai Cheng's way:"Still have what to want something to say?Anyway I went ahead regardless today, the dead also pulls a mat to carry on the back."
Start to be suffused with one again on the face of Zhang Hai Cheng silk strange and matchless smile, suddenly and naturally way:"You think that you killed her, can I only live?"
Beard Jyong ha ha sneer way:"You love to die deathless, close me what matter!"
Zhang Hai Cheng lightly hangs to lower the head to go, lightly sighed a , slowly raise head, such as Chi the Qi ground hoped proper Xin of river one eye, lightly way:"Execuse me, I can not save you, however you trust, I will accompany forever you are together of!"The voice is such gentle and soft deep feeling, see his that eye's hoping the person of heart love be threatenned himself/herself but inability as dint by the other people of painful facial expression, a few rich old womans of side my flank all have already just shed tears for him.
Zhang Hai Cheng's head lifts, canthus unexpectedly true have tear stain, was full of a kind of desire to cry to have no on the noodles tears of sorrow and cut up rough facial expression, suddenly toward a beard Jyong way:"Is very good, you really killed her, I woulded not like to only live, either, you like so to seek a mat back of, we together come to accompany you good!"This words are a , Zhang Hai Cheng already once the body form move, unexpectedly is a dynasty to still frighten the wood sign square skill Jean by the side of the piano to hurtle pass by.Is public of a , don't know that he wants to do what, but I understood all of a sudden, he just the this time overdo performance and completely do cushion just for the sake of the action in nowadays.
Zhang Hai Cheng's purpose just needs to let the beard Jyong believe, he was already also love and madness, prepared nobody wins, if the beard Jyong dares to kill proper Xin of river, he will definitely kill as well square skill Jean.
Indeed as expected my heart reads a square on moving, Zhang Hai Cheng already a jump but Related articles:

